Federal Programs
Page Navigation
- Overview
- Title I, Part A
- Title I Part C - Migrant Program
- Title I Part C - Homeless & Foster Programs
- Title II, Title III, Title IV
- Private/Non-Profit
- Carl D. Perkins Career & Technical Education
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
- General Information/Meetings
- District Federal Report Card
- **Community Resources**
- Federal Programs Staff
- Title Funding Request Forms- PISD STAFF ONLY
- Academics at Plano ISD
- Title I, Part A
Title I
The goal of Title I is to ensure that all children have an equal opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on state academic achievement assessments.
The eligibility of a school to receive Title I services is determined by the percentage of students receiving free or reduced cost meals and the percentage of students that have demonstrated an academic need for services. After a campus qualifies as a Title I school, students generally receive instruction in small groups of ten or less by a highly qualified teacher. The Title I classes are supplemental and do not take the place of regular classroom instruction.
Please contact Nardeen Boxell with questions.
Family Engagement
A strong component of the Title I program is the family/school relationship. Each campus works with families to support student success by offering multiple parent engagement opportunities throughout the school year. Before you volunteer, you must complete a criminal background check. This helps to keep students safe at our schools.
One shared goal is to focus on communication. To support the partnership between school and home, please keep your child's teacher informed about family changes that may affect your child and read information that is sent home. If questions come up throughout the school year, please contact your child's teacher or school staff.
It is exciting and very beneficial to have additional staff and resources from Title I at your child's school. With the combined efforts of students, families and a committed staff of teachers, all children in Plano ISD can achieve success!
If you have any questions about Title I Parent Involvement, or for more information, please contact Ashley Dantzler.
Title I Campuses
2024-2025 Title I Campuses
Elementary Schools
- Barron Elementary
- Brinker Elementary
- Christie Elementary
- Daffron Elementary
- Dooley Elementary
- Forman Elementary
- Huffman Elementary
- Jackson Elementary
- Meadows Elementary
- Memorial Elementary
- Mendenhall Elementary
- Mitchell Elementary
- Rasor Elementary
- Rose Haggar Elementary
- Sigler Elementary
- Thomas Elementary
- Weatherford Elementary
Middle Schools
Annual Title I Information Meeting
“Title I, Part A programs must convene annual meetings at a convenient time, to which all parents of participating children shall be invited and encouraged to attend, to inform parents of their school’s participation in Title I, Part A and to explain the requirements and rights of the parents to be involved.”--Region 10 ESC
What is a Notice of Qualifications?
All schools receiving Title I funding must inform all parents/guardians of their right to ask for information regarding the professional qualifications of their student’s classroom teachers and paraprofessionals.
What is a School-Family Compact?
The school-family compact is a written agreement between parents/families, students, and teachers. It provides an opportunity to create new partnerships in your school community. It is a document that explains what families and schools can do to help children reach high academic standards of excellence.
What is a Campus Family Engagement Policy?
A written parental engagement policy explains how the school district or the school campus supports the important role of families in the education of their children. Every school district that receives Title I, Part A funds must have a written parental engagement policy.
The policy is reviewed annually with the help of parents/family members.
Family Engagement Policy, Política de participación familia