Parent Navigator

  •  pictures of maps with tool needed for navigation: Parent Navigator for Special Education Parents   

    Plano ISD Student Support Services Department Mission

    Plano ISD Student Support Services Department will provide a full continuum of services and supports in order to educate, inspire, and empower every student to achieve their unique potential in a dynamic world.

    This is a site to support parents with students in Special Education.

    Special Education Contact List

    Special Education Continuum of Services

  • Level Up! Plano ISD with decorative image of apple video game.

Events and Announcements

  • STAR Autism: Thriving In a Social World

    Tuesday, April 16, 2024

    via Zoom from 11:30-1:00 pm 

    English Flyer

    Spanish Flyer

    Comments (-1)
  • 32nd Annual Texas Autism Conference


    Registration is now open for the 32nd Annual Texas Autism Conference! Parents, guardians, and caretakers are invited to join the June 22 Family Day sessions free of charge. These sessions are entirely online and are geared towards parenting and caretaker topics that improve the lives of our students and children with autism. There will be many breakout sessions and a family focus group on this day. Learn more about the Texas Autism Conference and register for Family Day here.

    Comments (-1)

  • Star with stick figure family in the middle of the star

    Important for all Families

    This section includes important resources that are considered to be "top of the list things do to."

  • Texas Education Agency (TEA)- Resources


  • Updates in Special Education


    In 2019, the 86th Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 139 (SB 139), which requires Texas local education agencies (LEAs) to distribute the updates in special education at:

    Additional notices are available at regarding:

    Compensatory Services

    TEA developed a document to assist parents whose children may have been previously delayed or denied an evaluation under IDEA, in requesting compensatory services for their child. 

    OSEP Compensatory Services Notification Requirement (English/Espanol)

  • Actualizaciones en Educación Especial

    En el año 2019, la 86a Asamblea Legislativa de Texas aprobó el Proyecto de Ley del Senado 139 (Senate Bill, o SB, 139), que exige a todas las agencias de educación locales de Texas distribuir a todos los padres el aviso a continuación.

    Aviso para padres en español

    Por favor, lea el aviso y luego haga clic en para leer los cuatro avisos adicionales proporcionados:

  • **COVID 19 Parent/Guardian Special Education Resources

    PISD COVID-19 Webpage 

    The Supplemental Special Education Services (SSES) grant

  • Supplemental Special Education Services (SSES)

    house and book logo for Supplemental Special Education Services

    Supplemental Special Education Services (SSES)

    Supplemental Special Education Services (SSES)are $1,500 one-time online grants for eligible parents/caregivers of eligible students served by special education that have been impacted by COVID-19 school closures. 

    Families of eligible students can use the online accounts to obtain educational materials and resources and/or services such as additional therapy, tutoring, or other specific services.

    Beginning November 1, 2021, to be eligible for the SSES grant, students must currently be:

    • enrolled in a Texas public school,
    • enrolled in PreK - 12th grade,
    • and a student with a disability served through Special Education

    Servicios Complementarios de Educación Especial (SSES por sus siglas en inglés)

    Los Servicios Suplementarios de Educación Especial (SSES por sus siglas en inglés) otorga subvenciones únicas en línea de $1,500 para padres / guardianes de estudiantes elegibles atendidos por educación especial que han sido afectados por el cierre de escuelas por la pandemia COVID-19. 

    Las familias de los estudiantes elegibles pueden usar las cuentas en línea para obtener materiales y recursos educativos y / o servicios como terapia del habla adicional u otros servicios específicos. 

    Criterios de elegibilidad de SSES:

    • Matriculado en una escuela pública de Texas,
    • Inscrito en PreK - 12th grado, y
    • Un estudiante con una discapacidad atendido por un programa de educación especial.

    What is SSES? Program Overview:   ENGLISH   |   SPANISH   |   VIETNAMESE   |   ARABIC   |   SIMPLIFIED CHINESE 


    SSES Overview Video:   ENGLISH   |   SPANISH


    SSES Parent Webinar:  ENGLISH   |   SPANISH


    Link to SSES homepage and to apply: ENGLISH   |   SPANISH


    Link to all resources available on TEA SSES website: ENGLISH (landing page with Spanish and other languages resources included)


    Link to FAQs: ENGLISH   |   SPANISH

  • Supplemental Special Education Services (SSES) Update

    Supplemental Special Education Services (SSES)  Update

    The SSES application will be closing on March 15, 2024, and will re-open next school year on February 3, 2025. The SSES program has not changed and is still a one-time grant. If you have previously received an SSES account, you will not be eligible to apply again. 

    • The SSES application closes this school year on March 15, 2024. The SSES grant program is transitioning to an annual application window. Your LEA's families must submit their SSES application during the 6-week window each school year. The current application will remain open until March 15th, 2024. Next school year’s application window will begin on Feb. 3rd, 2025.

    • The SSES+ Medically Fragile Grant Program is ending on December 6, 2024: Keeping in mind that the application is closing on March 15th, 2024, this will be the last chance to take advantage of the SSES+ Medically Fragile program. Families with new SSES+ Medically Fragile accounts will have until December 6, 2024, to spend their grant funds. 

    As a reminder, the SSES program is a one-time only grant, and applications for students who have already submitted an SSES application will not be able to apply again. 

    To assist in this effort, we have provided a customizable letter in both ENGLISH and SPANISH for you to send to families.

  • Plano ISD District Calendar

    District Calendar

  • LifePath Systems (For Collin County Residents)

    LifePath Systems To be placed on the Interest List, call Lifepath Services at 972-562-0190 or the Department of Human Services at 512-438-5658 

  • Metrocare (For Dallas County Residents)

    Metrocare (For Dallas County Residents) To be placed on the Interest List call Inquiry Line: (866) 501-6535

  • Partners Resource Network

    Partners Resource Network

    Partners Resource Network PACT Project

    Partners Resouce Network Statewide Webinars 

    Fact Sheets 

  • SPEDTex

    Logo for SpedTex Special Education Information Center

    Description: The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) provides resources and interactive features for increasing family awareness of disabilities and special education processes, with the goal of improving partnerships between schools and families.

    Contact information:

    Phone: 1-855-773-3839


    Link to Website (with live chat)

  • Region 10

    Parent Coordination for Special Education

  • Medicaid Waivers

    • SPED TEX: Texas Medicaid Waiver Programs for Children with Disabilities
      • With the following information shared by Navigate Life Texas, a project supported by Texas Health and Human Services, you can learn more about Medicaid waiver programs for children, including an overview of services and eligibility. Click here.

    • SPED TEX: Resources and Help Available: Get on the Waiting Lists Now

      • Find out why it’s important to be on waiting lists for resources early in your child’s life in this video from Texas Complex Access Network. Click here

    Planning for the Future with Medicaid Waivers

    Region 10 Medicaid Waiver Handouts: English  Spanish

  • Plano Police Department

    Take Me Home Program

    Youth Police Academy

  • icon of book on computer screen

    Digital Resources

     Below are recordings and presentations that Special Education has provided for Parents/Families. The recordings are organized based on the event they were presented at. 

  • 2023-2024 Trainings/Webinars

    Workshop Series- REACH/Kingdom Performance (Video) 9/5/2023

    Workshop Series- Guardianship (Video) 10/3/2023

    Project SEARCH (Video) 11/14/2023

    Disability Rights Texas (Video) 12/05/2023

    Transition to College-Workshop Series (Video) 2/7/2024

    Think College (Video) 3/6/2024

    Let's Talk: The Dignity of Risk and Transition (Video) 4/2/2024

  • 2022-2023 Trainings/Webinars

    Guardianship and Alternatives to Guardianship (11/01/2022)

    UNT- Parent Workshop (12/6/22)

  • 2021-2022 Trainings/Webinars

    Transitioning to College (2/8/2022):

    • To access the video above please click download.

    Let's Talk Special Needs Planning: Wills, Special Needs Trusts, ABLE Accounts (4/5/2022)

  • Hero Expo Resources (2021, 2022, & 2023)

    Decorative superhero with PISD apple logo flying over citySpecial Education Hero Expo Resources


    Every stakeholder is a HERO, and every HERO needs their resources!

    For more information about the Expo, please visit our webpage at:

  • 2020-2021 Lunch Hour Lunch Topics


     Google Classrooms: video recording of lunch topic from: 10/27/2020 with picture of video camera with food background

    Click the image above to view the video recording.

    Video Recording in Spanish

    Link to the presentation in the video above: Google Classrooms for Parents


    Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) Committee Meeting Essentials for Parents 11/12/12020 Video Recording Coming Soon

    Click the image above to view the video recording in English.

    Video Recording in Spanish

    Link to presentation for the above training: English or Spanish 

    Resolving Issues with Your Child’s School: 3/24/21 12:15 English, 1:30 Spanish Understanding the Transition: 4/21/21 12-1

    March 24, 2021

    Resolving Issues with Your Child’s School
    Dispute Resolution Tips for Parents

    Join us as we discuss strategies for resolving conflicts with your child’s school including which school or district personnel you can contact for information to help resolve or address various issues. Keith Swink and Michelle Rosales from the Texas Education Agency (TEA) will provide tips on special education dispute resolution processes, including what issues State Written Complaints can be used to resolve and what some of those resolutions might look like.

    Resolviendo problemas con la escuela de su hijo
    Consejos para padres de resolución de disputas

    Únase a nosotros el mientras discutimos estrategias para resolver conflictos con la escuela de su hijo, incluyendo a qué escuela o personal del distrito puede comunicarse para obtener información que ayude a resolver o abordar varios problemas. Keith Swink y Michelle Rosales de la Agencia de Educación de Texas (TEA, por sus siglas en inglés) brindarán consejos sobre los procesos de resolución de disputas de educación especial, incluidos los problemas que se pueden usar para resolver las quejas escritas del estado y cómo podrían verse algunas de esas resoluciones.


    April 21, 2021

    Understanding The Transition Process

    Transition planning can be overwhelming for students and families. This session will outline the requirements of transition planning and how to make sure it is a meaningful process. Link to Presentation

    • Transition Requirements/Process
    • Student Involvement
    • Family Involvement

  • green heart with information symbol on the heart

    General Information

    The sections below provide information regarding special education contact lists, acronyms, evaluations, IDEA, and more.  There are also sections that include information you may need in regard to a particular time of year. 

  • Image of flyer that is linked to image for Beginning of the year and End of the year

  • PISD Special Education: Spotlight updates; red apple in the spotlight

    Spotlight Newsletter 

     Special Education newsletters will be posted here. These newsletters are sent through PISD parent communication emails. 

  • Plant pot decorated with hand holding tool with resource icons growing


    The resource section provides links for special education, program, and community resources. 

  • People around table with ARD on the table

    ARD Process 

    In the Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) Process sections you will find links to provide further information about the ARD and Individualized Education Plan (IEP) processes such as the ARD guide and procedural safeguards. 

  • graduation hat with document

    Transition Support 

    Transition Support is for all ages (pre-k to adult). Additional information regarding these transitions by age level is linked below.