- Academics at Plano ISD
- Parent Navigator
Parent Navigator
Plano ISD Student Support Services Department Mission
Plano ISD Student Support Services Department will provide a full continuum of services and supports in order to educate, inspire, and empower every student to achieve their unique potential in a dynamic world.
This is a site to support parents with students in Special Education.
Events and Announcements
32nd Annual Texas Autism Conference
Registration is now open for the 32nd Annual Texas Autism Conference! Parents, guardians, and caretakers are invited to join the June 22 Family Day sessions free of charge. These sessions are entirely online and are geared towards parenting and caretaker topics that improve the lives of our students and children with autism. There will be many breakout sessions and a family focus group on this day. Learn more about the Texas Autism Conference and register for Family Day here.
- Transition Planning Resources for Families (SpedTx)
- Families New to Special Education (SpedTx)
Description: The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) provides resources and interactive features for increasing family awareness of disabilities and special education processes, with the goal of improving partnerships between schools and families.
Contact information:
Phone: 1-855-773-3839
Email: inquire@spedtex.org
- Partners Resource Network PACT Project
- Child Find Public Awareness
- Transition Connection (Newsletter from Texas Workforce)
- LifePath Systems would like to invite your student to participate in a grant project they have received from the Administration for Community Living. The grant project, called Building My Future is designed to increase the number of youths with intellectual and developmental disabilities who achieve successful outcomes of their choosing regarding employment, education, and independent living. Participants will be provided:
- Assistance with connecting to Texas Workforce Vocational Rehabilitation Services
- A digital portfolio that can be shared with their circle of support
- Peer mentoring
- Career and post-secondary exploration and preparation
- Family information nights
- link to flyer
Texas Autism Resource Guide for Effective Teaching
Texas Transition and Employment Guide
- Partners Resouce Network Statewide Webinars
Think College Search features 309 colleges and universities that offer postsecondary education programs for students with intellectual disability. Users of this searchable online database can filter by state, length of the program, type of school, options for living on campus, and more. Click HERE to view.
Important for all Families
This section includes important resources that are considered to be "top of the list things do to."
Important for all Families
Texas Education Agency (TEA)- Resources
Updates in Special Education
In 2019, the 86th Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 139 (SB 139), which requires Texas local education agencies (LEAs) to distribute the updates in special education at: https://tea.texas.gov/sites/default/files/Updates-on-Special-Education.pdf
Additional notices are available at http://direc.to/dVYo regarding:
Compensatory Services
TEA developed a document to assist parents whose children may have been previously delayed or denied an evaluation under IDEA, in requesting compensatory services for their child.
OSEP Compensatory Services Notification Requirement (English/Espanol)
Actualizaciones en Educación Especial
En el año 2019, la 86a Asamblea Legislativa de Texas aprobó el Proyecto de Ley del Senado 139 (Senate Bill, o SB, 139), que exige a todas las agencias de educación locales de Texas distribuir a todos los padres el aviso a continuación.
Aviso para padres en español https://tea.texas.gov/sites/default/files/updates-on-special-education-spanish.pdf
Por favor, lea el aviso y luego haga clic en http://direc.to/dVYo para leer los cuatro avisos adicionales proporcionados:
**COVID 19 Parent/Guardian Special Education Resources
Supplemental Special Education Services (SSES)
Supplemental Special Education Services (SSES)
Supplemental Special Education Services (SSES)are $1,500 one-time online grants for eligible parents/caregivers of eligible students served by special education that have been impacted by COVID-19 school closures.
Families of eligible students can use the online accounts to obtain educational materials and resources and/or services such as additional therapy, tutoring, or other specific services.
Beginning November 1, 2021, to be eligible for the SSES grant, students must currently be:
- enrolled in a Texas public school,
- enrolled in PreK - 12th grade,
- and a student with a disability served through Special Education
Servicios Complementarios de Educación Especial (SSES por sus siglas en inglés)
Los Servicios Suplementarios de Educación Especial (SSES por sus siglas en inglés) otorga subvenciones únicas en línea de $1,500 para padres / guardianes de estudiantes elegibles atendidos por educación especial que han sido afectados por el cierre de escuelas por la pandemia COVID-19.
Las familias de los estudiantes elegibles pueden usar las cuentas en línea para obtener materiales y recursos educativos y / o servicios como terapia del habla adicional u otros servicios específicos.
Criterios de elegibilidad de SSES:
- Matriculado en una escuela pública de Texas,
- Inscrito en PreK - 12th grado, y
- Un estudiante con una discapacidad atendido por un programa de educación especial.
Link to SSES homepage and to apply: ENGLISH | SPANISH
Link to all resources available on TEA SSES website: ENGLISH (landing page with Spanish and other languages resources included)
Supplemental Special Education Services (SSES) Update
Supplemental Special Education Services (SSES) Update
The SSES application will be closing on March 15, 2024, and will re-open next school year on February 3, 2025. The SSES program has not changed and is still a one-time grant. If you have previously received an SSES account, you will not be eligible to apply again.
The SSES application closes this school year on March 15, 2024. The SSES grant program is transitioning to an annual application window. Your LEA's families must submit their SSES application during the 6-week window each school year. The current application will remain open until March 15th, 2024. Next school year’s application window will begin on Feb. 3rd, 2025.
The SSES+ Medically Fragile Grant Program is ending on December 6, 2024: Keeping in mind that the application is closing on March 15th, 2024, this will be the last chance to take advantage of the SSES+ Medically Fragile program. Families with new SSES+ Medically Fragile accounts will have until December 6, 2024, to spend their grant funds.
As a reminder, the SSES program is a one-time only grant, and applications for students who have already submitted an SSES application will not be able to apply again.
To assist in this effort, we have provided a customizable letter in both ENGLISH and SPANISH for you to send to families.
Plano ISD District Calendar
LifePath Systems (For Collin County Residents)
LifePath Systems To be placed on the Interest List, call Lifepath Services at 972-562-0190 or the Department of Human Services at 512-438-5658
Metrocare (For Dallas County Residents)
Metrocare (For Dallas County Residents) To be placed on the Interest List call Inquiry Line: (866) 501-6535
Description: The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) provides resources and interactive features for increasing family awareness of disabilities and special education processes, with the goal of improving partnerships between schools and families.
Contact information:
Phone: 1-855-773-3839
Email: inquire@spedtex.org
Medicaid Waivers
- SPED TEX: Texas Medicaid Waiver Programs for Children with Disabilities
With the following information shared by Navigate Life Texas, a project supported by Texas Health and Human Services, you can learn more about Medicaid waiver programs for children, including an overview of services and eligibility. Click here.
SPED TEX: Resources and Help Available: Get on the Waiting Lists Now
Find out why it’s important to be on waiting lists for resources early in your child’s life in this video from Texas Complex Access Network. Click here.
Planning for the Future with Medicaid Waivers
- SPED TEX: Texas Medicaid Waiver Programs for Children with Disabilities
Plano Police Department
Digital Resources
Below are recordings and presentations that Special Education has provided for Parents/Families. The recordings are organized based on the event they were presented at.
Digital Resources
2023-2024 Trainings/Webinars
Workshop Series- REACH/Kingdom Performance (Video) 9/5/2023
Workshop Series- Guardianship (Video) 10/3/2023
Project SEARCH (Video) 11/14/2023
Disability Rights Texas (Video) 12/05/2023
Transition to College-Workshop Series (Video) 2/7/2024
Think College (Video) 3/6/2024
Let's Talk: The Dignity of Risk and Transition (Video) 4/2/2024
2022-2023 Trainings/Webinars
2021-2022 Trainings/Webinars
Transitioning to College (2/8/2022):
- To access the video above please click download.
Let's Talk Special Needs Planning: Wills, Special Needs Trusts, ABLE Accounts (4/5/2022)
Hero Expo Resources (2021, 2022, & 2023)
Special Education Hero Expo Resources
Every stakeholder is a HERO, and every HERO needs their resources!
For more information about the Expo, please visit our webpage at:
2020-2021 Lunch Hour Lunch Topics
Click the image above to view the video recording.
Link to the presentation in the video above: Google Classrooms for Parents
Click the image above to view the video recording in English.
Link to presentation for the above training: English or Spanish
March 24, 2021
Resolving Issues with Your Child’s School
Dispute Resolution Tips for ParentsJoin us as we discuss strategies for resolving conflicts with your child’s school including which school or district personnel you can contact for information to help resolve or address various issues. Keith Swink and Michelle Rosales from the Texas Education Agency (TEA) will provide tips on special education dispute resolution processes, including what issues State Written Complaints can be used to resolve and what some of those resolutions might look like.
Resolviendo problemas con la escuela de su hijo
Consejos para padres de resolución de disputasÚnase a nosotros el mientras discutimos estrategias para resolver conflictos con la escuela de su hijo, incluyendo a qué escuela o personal del distrito puede comunicarse para obtener información que ayude a resolver o abordar varios problemas. Keith Swink y Michelle Rosales de la Agencia de Educación de Texas (TEA, por sus siglas en inglés) brindarán consejos sobre los procesos de resolución de disputas de educación especial, incluidos los problemas que se pueden usar para resolver las quejas escritas del estado y cómo podrían verse algunas de esas resoluciones.
April 21, 2021
Understanding The Transition Process
Transition planning can be overwhelming for students and families. This session will outline the requirements of transition planning and how to make sure it is a meaningful process. Link to Presentation
- Transition Requirements/Process
- Student Involvement
- Family Involvement
General Information
The sections below provide information regarding special education contact lists, acronyms, evaluations, IDEA, and more. There are also sections that include information you may need in regard to a particular time of year.
General Information
What is an IEP?
Below is a link to a Texas Education Agency Resource about Individualized Education Program (IEP).
General Information
Acronyms: Special Education seems to have a language of its own. Educators often use many of these words in conversations with parents, so, as a parent, please ask for clarification or an explanation of the meaning. Additional link for Acronyms and Abbreviations.
IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act website. Texas Education Agency (TEA) fact sheet for IDEA.
Special Education Contact List: Linked is the PISD Special Education contact list.
Special Education Home Page: This link will navigate you to the PISD Special Education website.
Texas Council of Developmental Disabilities: "The Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities helps people with developmental disabilities achieve their potential for independence, productivity, and integration into their communities by working to develop a comprehensive system of service and supports in Texas."(Texas Council of Developmental Disabilities)
Resolving Student and Parent Concerns: Plano ISD encourages students and parents to attempt to resolve their concerns with the appropriate teacher, principal, other campus administrators, department, or employee. The district believes it is in the best interest of everyone involved to informally resolve concerns, if at all possible. Concerns should be expressed as soon as possible to allow early resolution at the lowest possible administrative level.
Technical Assistance: Child Find and Evaluation: Link to a PDF developed by the Texas Education Agency (TEA)
Technical Assistance: Individualized Education Program (IEP) Development: Link to a PDF developed by the Texas Education Agency (TEA)
Evaluations: This link will navigate you to the PISD special education site for more information regarding the evaluation process.
Partners Resource Network: Evaluation and IEP Timelines
Beginning of the year
Beginning of the Year
End of the Year
End of the Year
End of the Year Helpful Links:
Summer activities:
See Community Resource Guide for more information about summer activities. This document is updated annually and not endorsed by PISD, rather a document of resources for parents to consider.
Spotlight Newsletter
Special Education newsletters will be posted here. These newsletters are sent through PISD parent communication emails.
Oct/Nov 2023
April 2023
September 2022
March 2022
The resource section provides links for special education, program, and community resources.
General Resources
Center for Parent Information & Resources
Contacts for College Programs for Students with Disabilities 2021
Council of Learning Disabilities
Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
Special Education Rules & Regulations
Specially Designed Instruction (SDI)
SPED TEX- Special Education Information Center
Special Education in Texas A-Z Index
The Legal Framework for the Child-Centered Special Education Process
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Behavior Supports
Positive Behavior Supports || A Resource Collection
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS): Supporting Families with PBIS at Home
Technical Assistance: Behavior Supports and Guidance for Students with Disabilities
Community Resource Guide
Community Resource Guide: This document is updated annually and not endorsed by PISD, rather a document of resources for parents to consider.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Resources
Down Syndrome
Learning Disabilities
Summer Resources
The links below are not endorsed by PISD, but rather a list of resources for parents to consider.
City of Plano Parks and Rec Catalog
Adapted Recreation (Page 4 of the City of Plano Parks and Rec Catalog)
Community Resource Guide: This document is updated annually and not endorsed by PISD, but rather a document of resources for parents to consider.
ARD Process
In the Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) Process sections you will find links to provide further information about the ARD and Individualized Education Plan (IEP) processes such as the ARD guide and procedural safeguards.
ARD Process
Admission Review, and Dismissal Process (ARD)
Parent's Guide to the Admission, Review, and Dismissal Process- English: "The guide is designed to give you, as the parent of a child who is or may be eligible for special education services, a better understanding of the special education
process..."Parent's Guide to the Admission, Review, and Dismissal Process - Spanish
Parent's Guide to Admission, Review, and Dismissal Process - More Languages
Procedural Safeguards
Procedural Safeguards (English): Rights of Parents of Children with Disabilities
Procedural Safeguards (Spanish)
Procedural Safeguards (more languages)
ARD Meeting Resources
Interpreter Services
The district must provide the parent with a written or audiotape copy of the child's IEP translated into the parent's native language. Texas Educ. Code § 29.005(d)(1).
If you need an interpreter for a meeting, contact your child's case manager and they will follow the district process for requesting an interpreter.
More Individualized Educational Program (IEP) and ARD Resources
Technical Assistance: Individualized Education Program (IEP) Development: Will link to PDF developed by Texas Education Agency (TEA)
Surrogate Parent
A surrogate or foster parent may be needed to represent a student with a disability during the special education process as outlined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA).
In cases where the child has no parent(s), none can be located, or the child is a ward of the state, a surrogate parent must be appointed to make educational decisions on behalf of the child and to protect the child’s rights in matters relating to identification, evaluation, and placement in special education.
Surrogate/foster parents are provided with required training by the campus Special Education Department.
Transition Support
Transition Support is for all ages (pre-k to adult). Additional information regarding these transitions by age level is linked below.
Transition Support
PISD Transition Programs
Transition Resources
Transition Texas (Texas Transition and Employment Guide (English and Spanish) can be found on this website)
Texas Workforce Commission and Legal Framework- Transition
The National Parent Center on Transition and Employment provides information on Middle and High school planning, post-secondary education, employment, benefit programs, and support, independent and community living, Laws and Rights, Health and Transition, and Assistive Technology.
Got Transition aims to improve the transition from pediatric to adult health care through the use of new and innovative strategies for professionals, youth, and families.
Family Voices National Center for Family/Professional Partnerships is an organization of families and friends of children and youth with special health care needs and disabilities.
Great Schools.org provides information on school quality, supporting advocacy, and parenting information.
Texas Youth 2 Adult provides information specific to the individual diagnosis and age of the student.
Next Steps provides a multimedia reference tool about the transition IEP process.
I’m Determined focuses on providing direct instruction models and opportunities to practice skills associated with self-determination and transition.
Bridging Apps is a website that searched for apps that are reviewed using standards-based assessment tools. Learn to use mobile devices to effectively target skill development.
Charting the Life Course is a framework that was developed to help individuals with disabilities and families at any age or stage of life think about what they need to know, identify how to find or develop support, and discover what it takes to live the lives they want to live. Individuals and families may focus on their current situation and stage of life but may also find it helpful to look ahead to start thinking about what they can do or learn now that will help build an inclusive productive life in the future.
Transition Activities That Can Be Done At Home: resource provided by SpedTex
Think College: Think College Search features 309 colleges and universities that offer postsecondary education programs for students with an intellectual disability. Users of this searchable online database can filter by state, length of the program, type of school, options for living on campus, and more.
Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities Higher Education Resources: The Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities website offers a list of many of the Disability Service Offices in the state of Texas.
Transition and the Law
Overview and Trajectory
Transition is a process and a journey; not an event. Transition planning leads to interdependence, allowing the person to recognize strengths, interests and needs. According to the American’s with Disability Act of 1990, “Independence is not measured by the number of tasks a person can do without assistance but the quality of life a person can lead with assistance. Past experiences influence and support future outcomes. Envisioning what you and your child want to see in the future, and what you want to avoid can create a trajectory for planning. This vision will change based on life experiences. Parents can create opportunities to support future learning and students can learn by experiencing success and perceived failures (Dignity of Risk Document).”
Charting the LifeCourse provides tools to support your child’s transition.
Educational Planning
Educational Planning for students projected to attend post-secondary education (College, Trade School or Military)
Checklist for Transition Planning
Resources for Educational Planning:
Pacer’s National Parent Center on Transition and Employment
Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education from the US Office of Civil Rights
Lexile levels for postsecondary education
Develop Good Habits (Study Schedule)
Self Determination and Self-Advocacy
Self Determination and Self-Advocacy
Self-advocacy is the ability to speak up for yourself and the things that are important to you. It includes asking for the things you want and need and express your feelings and ideas. Self-determination means that the person recognizes their strengths and needs in order to determine a goal, create and evaluate a plan of action while using identified supports. Self-determination can be expressed at all ages and in many ways. A young child shows self-determination by choosing a toy, a shirt to wear, or a snack. This can be expressed by crying and throwing themselves on the floor or by having a choice presented. The parent can help the child by teaching self-determination and decreasing the emotional outbursts.
Skills associated with self-determination include choice making, self-advocacy and self-management and having self-awareness and self-knowledge.
Click HERE to view skills associated with Self Determination and Self-Advocacy.
Agency Supports
Agency Supports List
Healthcare Transition
Healthcare Transition
Healthcare transition is the process of getting ready for healthcare as an adult. During childhood, parents usually help with medical needs—they call for appointments, fill out forms, and keep track of medications. As youth get older, managing medical needs becomes their own responsibility. Achieving this independence requires an organized transition process to gain independent healthcare skills, prepare for an adult model of care, and transfer to new providers. There are several steps you can take to make sure the transition to adult healthcare goes smoothly. Be sure to also check out our resource section for additional information.
Link to Got Transition
Maximizing Supplemental Security Income
Planning for the Future with Medicaid Waivers
Sample Trajectories
Secondary College Outcome Trajectory
Sample Trajectories (Early Childhood, Elementary, Secondary, Secondary/College) HTML version