- Academics at Plano ISD
- Kindergarten at PISD
About Kindergarten Education in Plano ISD
The kindergarten program in the Plano Independent School District has been developed within Texas Education Agency guidelines. The program is uniquely adapted to meet the needs and interests of the kindergarten child.
The kindergarten program is designed to promote children's knowledge and skills in all developmental areas - cognitive, social/emotional, physical, and aesthetic - and to establish a foundation for lifelong learning.
The kindergarten program reflects the belief that children are active learners. They build meaning and understanding through full participation in their learning environments. This child-centered program combines high expectations for each child with respect for individual development.
Kindergarten Age Requirements
- Next School Year: To enter kindergarten in the 2023-2024 school year, your child must be 5 on September 1, 2023.
Students Turning 6 Before September 1
Student is enrolled in 1st grade with age appropriate peers unless:
- parent(s) fills out K Placement Request Form
- parent(s) meet with principal and submit the Placement Request Form
- parent(s) share documentation from pre-school, private K, etc… supporting placement
- student has never attended pre-K or K and parents are requesting K
- principal determines placement & informs parent(s) of decision with return of Placement Request Form after completed if request is denied write a brief statement of reason for denial on form
- campus decision
- after decision is made parent must submit form to office staff when enrolling for K placement
Be sure office staff reviews date of birth and notifies principal should a parent plan to enroll a student turning 6 on or before September 1 in kindergarten. It is not an automatic placement.
Kindergarten Acceleration
Information about Kindergarten Acceleration for students who are interested in testing for placement in first grade.
Next School Year Enrollment/Registration
Items Needed for Registration
New to the District and Current Plano ISD Kindergarten Students
Enrollment for kindergarten students new to the district for the 2023-24 school year can be completed online.
Campus staff will review enrollment documents, and they will confirm your child's kindergarten placement for the 2023-24 school year.
Required Documents
- Student’s birth certificate
- Immunization records
- Student’s social security card (optional)
- Proof of residency (lease, gas or electric bill)
- Parent/guardian photo ID
Find your home campus
Check school finder to discover which school is assigned to your home address.
Kindergarten Handbook
For more information about the kindergarten program, refer to the following links:
Kindergarten Parent Handbook
Guía para los padres de estudiantes de kindergarten -
The Plano ISD kindergarten program provides a learning environment that affords each child opportunities to develop:
- self-confidence and self-worth through secure relationships and independence through successful learning experiences;
- responsibility for one's own behavior;
- positive attitudes toward learning;
- a sense of responsibility for completing assigned tasks;
- good habits in the care of self and materials;
- the ability to share and cooperate with others;
- appreciation of family, neighborhood, and country;
- oral and written language skills and strategies;
- an understanding of mathematical concepts;
- the ability to observe, explore, discover, predict, and solve problems through concrete learning experiences;
- awareness of health and safety habits;
- physically through use of large and small muscles;
- aesthetic expression and appreciation through art and music;
- full potential in all areas of learning.