

Degrees and Certifications:

Lorre Smith

Greetings SMS Parents! This is my 10th year being a part of the Schimelpfenig family. I teach Applied ELA 8 and Applied Reading 7/8.

I am also one of the case managers for 6th and 7th grade special education students.

I graduated from the University of Georgia, located in Athens, Georgia, with a bachelor’s degree in Finance.

This is a second career for me. After retiring from the airline industry, I am now proud to be a PISD teacher.

I enjoy spending time with my family, traveling, and reading, and I am a proud and avid Georgia Bulldog!


  • 1st Period  English Applied -8

    2nd Period Inclusion Support 

    3rd Period Inclusion Support/PLC

    4th Period Inclusion Support 

    5th Period  Inclusion Support 

    6th Period Reading Applied 7/8

    7th Period Inclusion Support

    8th Period- Planning

  • Tutorials: Wednesday  7:50- 8:20 am

                    Thursday 3:45-4:15 pm

                    *Also available by request