Phone: (469) 752-1722


Degrees and Certifications:

BS Elementary Education, Texas A&M University 1995; MS Elementary Education, University of North Texas 1999; Gifted and Talented Endorsement, University of North Texas, 2004; Special Education, ESL

Mrs. Shannon Wallace

Student Support Liasion (504/MTSS/Accelerated Instruction)

Experience in Education:

This is my 28th year at Hedgcoxe Elementary.


I have a wonderful husband, 3 precious children, and an amazing son-in-law.


Reading, hockey- watching, not playing!  Love ocean/sea life, children's programming (tv), swimming, Disney, playing board/card games with my family.

Interesting fact about me:

I am the loudest and proudest member of the Fightin' Texas Aggie class of '95!  Whoop!

-BTOTY Hedgcoxe Elementary, 1996-1997

-TOTY Hedgcoxe Elementary, 2010-2011

-Plano ISD Excellence in Teaching Award, 2011