Dyslexia Therapist
Experience in Education: I began the first 6 years of my career in PISD at Aldridge Elementary, where I taught Kindergarten, was on a Leadership Team, and then team leader of 3rd grade. I taught first grade in Montgomery County, Maryland for 2 years. I returned to Texas and taught 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade in the Corpus Christi area for 6 years. I have been at Hunt since 2014. I was voted the 2018-19 Hunt Teacher of the Year.
Background: I grew up in the Dallas area with two older brothers. I love spending time with my family who live in Austin, South Carolina, and the Dallas area. I love living in Murphy with my three wonderful children.
Interests: Live music, reading, traveling, and watching almost every sport.
"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything." -Plato