Phone: 469-752-4467


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor's of Art Field Major:in Education, Minority Studies, and Psychology-Wichita State University, Master's of Education in Reading-Texas Woman’s University, Texas Reading Academy Certifications: General Education 1-8th Grade, English as a Second Language-all level, PACE, Plano Academic Creative Education Teacher, Completed course work Principal 068 , Lamar University

Mrs. LaTwonda Tyree-Davis

3rd Grade Team Leader

Experience in Education:   I graduated from Wichita State University in May of 1997, I worked as a substitute teacher for Wichita Public school System USD259. Upon moving to Texas I began my teaching career with Plano ISD July 30, 2000.  I accepted a 3rd grade position at Barron Elementary, which later became an early childhood learning campus. I was then transferred to Hickey Elementary school term of August 2002 through 2014.  I was at Hickey for 12 years until I accepted a Team Leader position at Martha Hunt Elementary school term of 2014-present, where I am currently the acting Team Leader and 3rd grade classroom teacher.

Background:   I am originally from Wichita, Kansas and I have lived in the North Texas area since 1999. I am married and have three wonderful children, Tiara, Teala, and Miles.

Interests: I love watching my son play sports, sing and dance.  I enjoy reading, movies (NetFlix), traveling, shopping and family time.

"Dreams don’t work unless you do!" -John C. Maxwell