Grade Levels
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- Hunt Elementary
- Kindergarten
Content Accordion
Inquiry & Innovation (I&I)
Science and Social Studies content areas are part of our Inquiry & Innovation Curriculum. In Science, we focus on the study of our environment and physical world by researching using multiple resources. In Social Studies, we focus on the study of ourselves and the world through learning communication, empathy, and curiosity.
Language Arts
Our Language Arts program includes a wide variety of learning activities to instill the many components of literacy. Some of the methods we use in the classroom are; small group instruction, large group instruction, learning centers, "Big Books" for shared reading lessons, interactive writing lessons, teacher and student journals, and phonemic awareness activities.
What is phonemic awareness? A "phoneme" is simply a sound. (The word "CAT" has 3 phonemes or sounds; C-A-T. The word shoe has 2 phonemes or sounds; sh-oe.) Phonological awareness is simply a gradual progression through these different levels, resulting in reading.
Level 1; rhyming; focus on the ending sound; ale/tale.
Level 2; alliteration; focus on the beginning sounds; dog/dirt.
Level 3; sentence segmenting; focus on breaking up the words; clap each word in a sentence.
Level 4; syllable blend/segment; focus on individual letter sounds; D-O-G.
Level 5; Onset Rime blending and segmenting; the onset is the beginning consonants of a word-the rime is the rest of the word, beginning with a vowel. Ex; sh/op or p/uppy.
Level 6; Segmenting of individual phonemes; single letters make a word; D-O-G is dog, and T-H-A-T is that.
By the end of the Kindergarten year, your child should be able to do the following:
- Count to 100 orally.
- Write numbers, recognize numbers, and represent numbers to 20.
- Identify basic geometric shapes and 3-D solids.
- Read a simple bar or picture graph.
- Create and/or extend an ABAB pattern
- Add/subtract with models/manipulatives.
- Sequence events.
- Sort and classify items.
- Use simple problem-solving strategies.
On most days, our math is taught during calendar time and during a quick "mini-lesson", which is followed by small group or individual exploration in math centers.