Phone: 469-752-4455


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor's of Science in Biology-ASU Certifications: Special Education-All Levels, English as Second Language-All Levels

Mrs. Margie Spigelmyer

Special Education Teacher

Experience in Education: This is my 29th year of teaching in Plano ISD. This is my 16th year here at Hunt. Previously, I worked at Sigler Elementary.

Background: I was born in South Carolina. My father was in the military, so we moved around. When he retired from the Air Force, we moved to Texas. I grew up in Fort Worth and graduated from Southwest High School.  I went to college in West Texas at Angelo State University, where I received an athletic scholarship to play fastpitch softball. My best memory of college was when my team attended the Division II College World Series and I was nominated to the  NAIA All-American Team. 

I am happily married (34 years) and have 2 grown sons and 3 grandchildren. I currently live north of McKinney in Van Alstyne.

Interests: I love sports, the beach, and DIY projects.