- Mathews Elementary
- About Me

Phone: 469-752-2372
Degrees and Certifications:
Texas A&M University University of North Texas Master's Degree in Education
Mrs. Willett
Mrs. Willett has been a fixture at Mathews Elementary and is excited about starting her 29th year at Mathews. Ms. Willett is in her 31st year as an educator in Plano ISD. Mrs. Willett always looks forward to a new school year and the opportunities to make a positive difference in the lives of her students. She has spent the majority of her career in fifth grade but was known to teach kindergarten and second grade once upon a time. Mrs. Willett has two grown children (who attended elementary school at Mathews) and lives with her husband, Tim, in McKinney. When not at Mathews in the capacity of team leader, she enjoys exercising, yoga, watching all sports, and playing pickleball with her teammates. Ms. Willett also enjoys taking care of her 65 pound dog - Winston. When not at home or in Plano teaching, Ms. Willett enjoys visiting her family ranch outside of Burton, Texas.
Mrs. Willett has prepared a bucket list of activities she hopes to accomplish. One that she can mark off her list is skydiving, having taken care of that adventure some years ago. Recently, Mrs. Willett also crossed off climbing a mountain….by scaling Via Ferrata outside Banff, Canada. Other bucket list items include a return visit to Florence, Italy, writing a children's book, and hosting workshops for teachers where they can learn engaging reading strategies to use in the classroom. Mrs. Willett loves teaching at Mathews Elementary and treasures the opportunity to make lifelong connections with her students and their families.
Mrs. Willett attended Texas A&M University for her undergraduate work and received her Master's Degree in Education from the University of North Texas. Mrs. Willett believes that teaching at Mathews is the best job ever!
Contact information:
Conference Time: 10:00 - 10:45 Daily or after 3:00 p.m.