About Schimelpfenig
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- Schimelpfenig Middle
- Parent Information
Parent Information
Content Accordion
Student Code of Conduct 24-25
Bell Schedule
Parent Portal
Parents with registered Parent Portal accounts can login and access:
Grades | Student Registration | Emergency Card | STAAR & Performance Data | Immunization
and other information about their students.
For grades, click the "Login to Gradebook" button on the portal dashboard.
For FERPA and Yearbook Publication Permissions, go to the emergency card.
You can follow these instructions to check to see if your student has publication permissions.
Parent Portal Website https://parentportal.pisd.edu
Absences and Homework Requests
Make-up work may be requested on the third day of a student absence. Please call the Front Office (469-752-6400) before 10:00AM. Work will be available for pick-up after 3:00 PM in the Front Office. Please understand teachers need time to prepare the work for your child. If work is requested, it must be completed when the student returns.
Important Attendance Information
To report a student absent please call 469-752-6400 and follow the prompts. To FAX a note, the FAX number is 469-752-6401.
A student who is absent from school for any portion of a school day must provide a written note that describes the reason for the absence. The note must be signed by the student’s parent or guardian. Failure to bring a written excuse signed by the parent or guardian within three school days of an absence may result in an unexcused absence being recorded. Without a valid note in three days, an absence will remain Unexcused on the student’s record. Calling the absence line will not be considered an Excused Absence. We are required to have a written note on file for every absence. Absence notes are due the day the student returns, but may be accepted up to three days after the absence. Please give the system at least 3 days to process the absence after turning in your child's note.
Notes from parents need to contain the full name of the student, dates of absence, reason for absence and parent signature. Absence notes are considered legal documents - no sticky notes please.
Medical notes should have the date(s) of treatment, return to school date and physicians signature or stamp.
School Closure Plan for Inclement Weather
Inclement weather, such as an accumulation of frozen precipitation on the roadways, may necessitate a delayed opening or cancellation of the school day.
Check with one of the following sources to obtain accurate information:
KDFW - Channel 4
KXAS - Channel 5
WFAA- Channel 8
KTVT - Channel 11
UPN 21
KDAF- WB33 News - Channel 33
*Channel 99, Time Warner Cable(PISD Station) -
Address Changes
Throughout the school year, please notify Debbie Collins if your address changes. This will ensure you receive all PISD mailings. Thank you for your cooperation.
469-752-6415 or Debbie.Collins@pisd.edu
Picking Up Your Child Early
What to do if you need to pick up your child early:
- Send a note with your child's name and time you need to pick them up.
- Have your child take it to the front office as soon as he/she gets to school.
- Your child will get a pass from the front office to give to the teacher allowing him/her to leave class at the appropriate time.
- Your child will meet you at the front office so you can sign them out. Please note that a parent or guardian's signature is required for a student to leave the building, and must be someone listed on the student’s emergency card.
If you forget to send a note, call us as soon as possible. Please don't wait till the last minute as it will most likely cause you a considerable delay in picking up your child.