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Office Staff
Our hours are 8 am to 4pm. Listed below is some important information that we hope parents will find useful. As always, please call us at 469-752-5402 if you have any questions.
If your child is leaving during the day for any reason, please have your child bring a note to the teacher whose class they will be leaving. This is their pass to be released and come to the Front Office to meet you. All excuse notes must be turned in to attendance within 3 days of the absence per PISD policy.ABSENCE REPORTING
If your child is absent, please call the Child Safe Line 469-752-5400. Please choose options #1 and #3 and leave student name, I.D. # and reason for absence.FORGOTTEN ITEMS POLICY
If you are bringing an item for your child, please drop it off in the front foyer bookshelf which is labeled by grade. We will not deliver items to the classroom or send a note. You may text your child during their lunch period to let them know. If you need to leave lunch money for your child, the front office receptionist will check you in. The front office does not handle cash.ABSENCE REQUEST FORMS
If you know in advance that your child will be gone for an extended period of time, this form is required to be turned in at least a week in advance for approval. If the request is for sports or travel these will be unexcused with make-up. The Absence Request Form can be found below.
Absence ReportingIf your child is absent, please call the Child Safe Line: 469-752-5400.
Please choose options #1 and #3 and leave student name, I.D. # and reason for absence.