• LOTE Course Offerings

    The Plano ISD Languages Other Than English (LOTE) curriculum is performance-focused and proficiency-based, designed to build learners' communication skills and intercultural competencies.

    LOTE programs offer courses that range from Level I to Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate (IB). Please view the Plano ISD Course Catalogs for a complete listing and description of courses offered at each campus level.  For International Baccalaureate language and course offerings, please visit the Plano East IB World Language course information.

  • Languages In Plano ISD

    Plano ISD offers courses in four languages; American Sign Language, Chinese-Mandarin, French and Spanish.  Explore the "Why learn?" resources below to learn more about the benefits of proficiency in a second language.

  • Middle School LOTE
    For information on earning high school credit in middle school LOTE courses, please refer to the Plano ISD Board Policy EI (Exhibit).

  • Credit-By-Examination
    For options to earn credit via examination for languages not offered in Plano ISD, please visit the district's Credit By Exam webpage for a list of languages available and registration information.
