• Counselor

Brooke Burnette
Brooke Burnette
  • Mission Statement and Goals

    The mission statement of Plano ISD counselors is to provide guidance and counseling through a team approach so that students develop emotionally, socially, and academically in order to become responsible members of society.

    • Academic Success
    • College and Careers
    • Personal and Social

    Children are my passion and I feel very fortunate to have a career that I truly love. I enjoy welcoming students to school each morning, supporting them throughout the day and teaching life skills during guidance classes.

    As a counselor, my goals are to guide and counsel students toward academic and personal success and assist them in developing coping skills to handle life's many challenges. As a team, I work with all our staff to support each child's individual needs. In addition, I help students to explore options for the ever-changing workforce through career and college guidance.
    Our Hedgcoxe Hounds have been excited about starting our classroom guidance lessons and activities. The students will be busy learning and sharing ideas about character development. All classes will be involved in guidance lessons about Caring, Responsibility, Perservance, Citizenship, Self Discipline, Respect, Trustworthliness, and Honesty.
    Our emphasis in Character Education will be instilling in the hearts and minds of our children that...........

    "Character is who we are inside and how we act, even when we think no one is looking."

  • How can I build a can-do attitude in my children?

    Doing everything for children sends the message that they are helpless. Asking them to pitch in shows you believe in their abilities. When your children try a task, like helping with laundry or other chores, resist the urge to take over at the first signs of frustration. Instead, show them how to do it themselves. Then, let them try it on their own with your guidance.

    If your youngsters are unsure about how to do something, encourage them to figure it out by asking, “What do you think the next step should be?” They’ll soon realize they can think through problems by themselves.


    The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is one of the assessments administered in PISD due to its ability to measure the individual student as well as its use in group measures for evaluating educational treatments. The CogAT test is administered to students in grades 3, 5, 7, and 9 and measures their learned reasoning and problem-solving skills in three areas: verbal, quantitative and nonverbal. Because abilities in these areas are closely related to an individual's success in school in most subjects, test results may be used in planning effective instructional programs. In combination with other relevant information about a student, scores can be used by teachers to adapt instruction in ways that enhance the student's chances of success in learning.

    MAP Testing

    Measures of Academic Progress®  (MAP) Understanding each student’s academic level gives teachers the power to help them excel. MAP computerized adaptive assessments are the tools that make it possible – providing educators with the detailed information they need to build curriculum and meet their students’ needs, one child at a time.

    STAAR Testing

    The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) — is the state-mandated testing program for students in grades 3 through 12. In elementary and middle school, assessments are designed to evaluate progress and to make sure youngsters are meeting grade-level expectations.

  • The 40 Assets Approach

    We all want the very best for our children and want to empower them to handle life’s challenges. Why do some kids grow up with ease, while others struggle? Why do some kids get involved in dangerous activities, while others spend their time contributing to society? Why do some youth “beat the odds” in difficult situations, while others get trapped? Many factors influence why some young people have successes in life and why others have a harder time. Economic circumstances, genetics, trauma, and many other factors play a role. But, these factors – which seem difficult, if not impossible, to change – aren’t all that matters. Research by Search Institute has identified 40 concrete, positive experiences and qualities – “developmental assets” – that have a tremendous influence on young people’s lives. And they are things that people from all walks of life can help to nurture. Research shows that the 40 developmental assets help young people make wise decisions, choose positive paths, and grow up competent, caring, and responsible. The assets are grouped into eight categories:

    • Support: Young people need to experience support, care, and love from their families and many others. They need organizations and institutions that provide positive, supportive environments.
    • Empowerment: Young people need to be valued by their community and have opportunities to contribute to others. For this to occur, they must be safe and feel secure.
    • Boundaries and Expectations: Young people need to know what is expected of them and whether activities and behaviors are “in bounds” or “out of bounds”.
    • Constructive use of time: Young people need constructive, enriching opportunities for growth through creative activities, youth programs, congregational involvement, and quality time at home.
    • Commitment to learning: Young people need to develop a lifelong commitment to education and learning.
    • Positive Values: Youth need to develop strong values that guide their choices.
    • Social Competencies: Young people need skills and competencies that equip them to make positive choices, to build relationships, and to succeed in life.
    • Positive Identity: Young people need a strong sense of their own power, purpose, worth, and promise.

    The asset framework is a framework that includes everyone. Families, schools, neighborhoods, congregations, and all organizations, institutions, and individuals in a community can play a role in building assets for youth. This brochure introduces the assets, shows their power and presence in young people’s lives, and gives concrete suggestions for what you can do to build assets.

    Search Institute, (1997). The Asset Approach: Giving Kids What they need to be successful.

  • Building Good Character and Respect

    Building respect for authority starts at home!

    • Make sure your children know that you love and respect them.
    • Explain that you have rules because you care.
    • Follow up and follow through.
    • Be CONSISTENT with consequences.

    Teach your child respect for school and teachers!


    • Get to know your child's teachers.
    • Demonstrate respect for others by using a positive tone of voice, always returning teachers’ calls, talking about the importance of an education, etc.
    • Monitor your child's school activities by making sure they are prepared for school, asking about what they are studying, reviewing homework assignments, and praising effort and achievement!


    • Don't take your child out of school for vacations, shopping excursions, or other non-medical reasons. It sends the message that school isn't important.
    • Don't belittle the school. Kids will pick up on your attitude. If you have concerns, work with the school to solve them.
    • Don't tell your child not to follow a school rule.
    • Don't take your child's word as gospel! Children often see things from a narrow perspective. When there is a problem, express support for school staff until you can collect all of the facts.


    • Do not focus on being your child's "pal." Children need parents who care enough about them to set limits and enforce them. Be your child's friend, but be their PARENT first!
    • Do not be your child's slave. Doing for children what they can do for themselves undermines their self-confidence and self-respect.
    • Do not be a nag. Repeating yourself tells your child that he or she can ignore you. Instead, ask your child if they understood what you said, and hold them responsible for knowing the next time!
    • Do not try to be perfect. Your child will respect you more and learn from you if you share with him some times when you were wrong and how you handled it!
    • Do not pamper children. Pampered children often times feel that it's their right to be served, and become angry with teachers and others that don't meet their demands. They fail to learn what is expected of them in life, instead of learning responsibility!

    Copyright @1995, The Parent Institute

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