Hedgcoxe Elementary was named for English-born Henry Oliver Hedgcoxe, 1800-1860, a land agent for the Peters Colony. His highhanded attempts in 1852 to establish land titles led to the colonists' uprising, in what has been called the Hedgcoxe War.
The school was completed in 1990 at the cost of nearly $8 million and has been the site of several innovative programs, including Chez Snoopy (a French restaurant operated by our third graders), a mentor program with EDS, a Night of Giving, Multi-Cultural and Family Art Night, Black History Assembly and much more.
In addition, Hedgcoxe has earned an exemplary rating according to the Texas Education Agency. Kelly Bentley, who was our first grade team leader and 2006-2007 Teacher of the Year, is a 6th generation Hedgcoxe family member. We greatly appreciate the involvement of the Hedgcoxe family in our school.
For more information on programs and our campus: https://www.pisd.edu/hedgcoxe_es