- Clark High
- About Me

Phone: 469-752-7352
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Science in English Education, University of Texas at Austin
Mr. Neal White
I was raised and went to college in Austin, but have spent the last 10 years in Plano and love it here. I am married with one child. I graduated in 2011 from Lake Travis High School. I graduated in 2015 with a double degree in Education and English from the University of Texas at Austin. I am also anticipating completing a Masters of Arts in School Counseling in May of 2025.
This is my tenth year teaching full-time and my 15th year teaching high school students in some capacity. I have taught English, Speech and Debate, and Professional Communications. I love spending time with my wife, son, and dog at my house in Richardson. I also enjoy running, listening to music, baseball, rock climbing, and skiing. Most of all, I love helping students develop communication skills that will impact their lives positively.
A great way to get a hold of me: My email address, neal.white@pisd.edu. My phone number (469-752-7352) between about 8 -9 AM, 12 - 1 PM, or 4-5 PM.
A great way to not get a hold of me: Calling me outside of these hours, or calling me and leaving a voicemail message. In general, if you get my voicemail, just write me an email asking me to give you a call back.
Period 1: Prof Comm
Period 2: Prof Comm
Period 3: Prof Comm
Periods 4 and 5: Conference and Counseling Internship
Period 6: Prof Comm
Period 7: Debate 1-2
Period 8: Oral Interp 1-2
Tutoring Hours
I am available Monday and Wednesdays after school. If you will need help for an extended period of time (more than 30 minutes), please schedule this with me in advance.