Phone: 469-752-7200 ext: 27316


Degrees and Certifications:

All Level Art Education

Ms. Curtin

My name is Emily Curtin and I'm super excited to start my High School Art teaching journey with all of you. I actually went to plano schools from Wells, to Schimelpfenig, Jasper, and the PSHS.  I then completed my Teaching certifciation through the University of North Texas.  I have stayed local to the area and created my own small art business that I've explored for the last decade.  I enjoy painting abstract under water acrylic canvas paintings but mostly my business creates custom pet portraits.  I taught elementary SPED in DISD last year and still live in North Dallas.  I'm married to another creative person, but his passion is vintage audio equipment and music. I have a 12 year old daughter in 6th grade in Dallas who also loves music & art, but she's also a math wizz. I volunteer with a boston terrier rescue group and have lots of rescue Frenchies at home. I love working out, sitting on my hammock with the dogs, painting, and watching reality tv.  

  • 1st Period Art I: 2D Design 

    2nd Period Art I: 2D Design

    3rd Period Art & Media Communications I

    4th Period (11:45-12:30) Conference/tutorial 


  • My conference period is from 11:45-12:30 by appointment. You can reach me at