Phone: 469-752-7800


Degrees and Certifications:

Degrees: B.A. - Social Sciences (UNT) A.A. - General Studies (Collin College) Certifications: Social Studies (7-12) English Language Arts (7-12) Core Subjects (EC-8) English as a Second Language (EC-12) Special Education (EC-12) Gifted and Talented (Trained)

Mr. Jared Schuelke

Mr. Schuelke is excited to begin his fourth year at Vines and his tenth year in the field of education. As one of the social studies teachers on campus, he brings a deep passion for the subject. Mr. Schuelke is dedicated to creating an environment where every student feels valued and empowered to succeed. His mission is to guide students in developing a social scientist’s mindset, equipping them with critical thinking and literacy skills that will benefit them in both their current studies and future endeavors. 

Mr. Schuelke is Plano-born and raised, having started at Sigler and progressed through to PSHS, graduating in 2009. In his spare time, he enjoys hanging out with his family, his dog, and friends, playing video games and card games, reading, cooking, visiting new places, and engaging in DIY projects for his classroom.

Mr. Schuelke always invites students and parents / guardians to reach out if questions, comments, or concerns arise. Mr. Schuelke strongly believes in the "It Takes a Village" mantra and welcomes collaboration between the school and home.



Course calendars are living documents and are subject to change based on instructional needs. The current month will always be the first slide, with the months descending in recentness. Campus events, bad weather, etc. may result in shifts to the course calendar.

Class newsletters are typically sent during the mid-quarter as well as a week before the end of the quarter (extra newsletters may still appear at times). Newsletters will always be sent to parents / guardians and students via email along with a current progress report.



Honors History:

AP Human Geography:

World History:

Teacher Schedule:

  • 1st Period - Honors World History

    2nd Period - Honors World History

    3rd Period - AP Human Geography

    4th Period - AP Human Geography 

    5th Period - Wildcat Time (Advisory)

    6th Period - AP Human Geography

    7th Period - Conference Period

    8th Period - World History


  • Mornings: (8:30 - 9:00 AM): TBD

    Afternoons: (4:30 - 5:00 PM): Tuesday & Thursday

    Tutorials can be requested outside the listed days. Morning tutorials will require a pass from either Mr. Schuelke or a parent / guardian to get upstairs to the classroom.

    Office Hours / Conferencing: By appointment