

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Alyessa Soden

My name is Alyessa Soden and this will be my first year at Vines High School! 

I began my teaching career 11 years ago and have had the privilege of teaching in a variety of contexts across many age groups. The bulk of my career was at Uplift Williams Middle School in Dallas. I began as an English teacher and ended as Newcomer Specialist and Literacy Support Specialist. 

I received my undergraduate degree from the University of Arkansas. Following some international work, I completed my masters at Johns Hopkins University. This year, I will be supporting the special education department by serving as the Focus teacher. Additionally, I will be coaching the junior varsity cheerleading team. This will be my 4th year as a coach and I am excited to bring spirit and joy to the school. 

My goal as an educator and coach is to leave my students with the skills to become successful, thriving, compassionate members of their communities. I can't wait to see what this year holds! 


Fun Facts

My two favorite things to talk about are Taylor Swift and Harry Potter.

I have a 6 year old Goldendoodle. 

I have lived in 2 other countries. 


    1st - FOCUS

    2nd - FOCUS

    3rd - Conference

    4th - FOCUS

    5th - Wildcat Time

    6th - FOCUS

    7th - Cheer

    8th - Making Connections

  • Please view the google classroom for any class information.

    Google Classroom Code:

    • Cheer: qxw7mcl

    • Making Connections: 2entfar

    • Focus: 6n7pr7e