Phone: 469-752-8600 ext 38693


Degrees and Certifications:

Math 7-12 Teaching Certification

Mrs. Van Tran

This is my 17th year in education and my 2nd year at McMillen High School.  I teach both on-level and honors Geometry.

I graduated from the University of Texas at Austin. I have three grown children and 2 dogs.  I've lived in Texas for 44 years, so I'm a true Texan.  

  • 1st - Honors Geometry  

    2nd -  Honors Geometry

    3rd - Conference

    4th - On-Level Geometry

    5th - Advisory

    6th - Honors Geometry

    7th - On-Level Geometry

    8th - On-Level Geometry


  • Tutorial Schedules:

       Tuesdays: 4:30 - 5:00 PM             

       Thursdays:  8:20 - 8:50 AM