I have had the honor of serving as the Otto MS Attendance Secretary for the past ten years. In that time, there have been many families and students that I have gotten to meet and know. Our Otto families are the best!
I attended Kilgore Jr. College where I was a member of the Kilgore College Rangerettes and then moved on to the University of North Texas. My husband and I have been married 28 years. We have one daughter who attended PISD schools from Pre-K through high school. She, too, was a Kilgore College Rangerette, and is now a proud Texas A&M Aggie studying Nursing.
This year, PISD has rolled out a new software program called Skyward. We are very excited about all of its great features, and moving toward a paperless electronic file storage. Please make sure to use your family access to notify us of your student being absent, sending us doctor notes and or parent notes. It is very important that all notes be received within three school days of your student being absent. After three days, the absence can not be excused. Please visit here for information on how to enter absence requests through Skyward. :https://help.skyward.com/bundle/nm_1stNavFamilyAccess_HC/page/Qmlativ/FamilyAccess/Topics/t_h_AddingAbsenceRequestsInFamilyAccess.html My email is:Silvia.Brozak@pisd.edu I look forward to meeting you and your student(s) this Fall!