• Counselors

    Welcome to The Clark Counseling Page!

    The Clark High School counseling program will provide high quality opportunities for self-directed growth to assist all students as they develop the competencies needed to achieve academically, cope socially/emotionally, and explore various college/career paths that reflect their abilities and interests.  The Clark High School counselors strive to empower students to become contributing members of our ever changing world, accepting of cultural diversity, responsible citizens, self-motivated, and successful lifelong learners who will be able to contribute to society and their community throughout their lives.

    The mission of the Clark High School counseling department is to work within the school setting, coordinating and collaborating with staff, families, and community members to prepare the whole child by supporting their personal and academic goals as well as their social/emotional development and college/career readiness that decreases barriers for every student.

Heidi Hoyt
Counseling Clerk
Magaly Maldonado Lopez
Social Worker