• Welcome to the McMillen Library!

    The McMillen Library has nearly 14,000 resources in the library for student and teacher use, including books, magazines, databases and professional materials. Students may visit the library for a wide variety of reasons such as studying, computer usage, project collaboration, research, reading, or book checkout.  The library staff is available to assist students with reading suggestions, research strategies, computer or printing needs, and online library resources.



  • Library Expectations

    • Visible ID, on lanyard, around the neck, required to be in the library; ID scan required at front door
    • Your ID and an eHall pass from your teacher are required to visit during class periods.
    • The library is a QUIET space to be used for study hall, reading, or another quiet activity.
    • Be respectful of staff, other students, library materials and space, and equipment.
    • Cell phones should be silenced and used appropriately.
    • No food is allowed in the library. Covered drinks are allowed in the library.


  • McMillen High School Library Mission Statement

    The mission of the McMillen Library is to ensure that all of our students are effective users of multiple literacies, including information, digital, visual, textual, and technological.

    This mission is accomplished by...

    • Supporting the reading needs and interests of our students as it is a lifelong learning skill that is a key indicator of success in school and in life;
    • Developing independent learners through inquiry as it provides the framework for learning so students can function effectively in a complex information environment;
    • By teaching students to seek diverse perspectives, gather and use information ethically, and use social tools responsibility and safely;
    • Strengthening the use of technology as it is a valuable tool for learning, both in school and in life (AASL, 2007); and by
    • Focusing on students' transliteracy skills when it comes to their "ability to read, write and interact across a range of platforms, tools and media from signing and orality through handwriting, print, TV, radio and film, to digital social networks" (www.transliteracy.com)


Library Hours

  • Before School: 8:20 to 8:50

    During Lunch

    After School: 4:25 to 4:45


Library Staff

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