• Languages Other Than English (LOTE)

    Welcome to the LOTE Department at McMillen High School.

    McMillen’s modern language classrooms provide students with state of the art digital recording labs to help students meet goals of effectively communicating in their second language. Students are required to complete 2 consecutive years of a second language (2 years of middle school French and Spanish count as 1 year), and 3 years are required to graduate on the Plano ISD recommended plan. Several languages offer students the opportunity to become members of nationally affiliated honor societies, and compete in regional, state, and national competitions. We currently have active ASL, French, and German Clubs.

Christine Bernardon
Foreign Language
Lisa McLeroy
Foreign Language
  • LOTE

  • Did you know...

    • Texas children need second language fluency in order to be competitive in the 21st century.
    • Students of foreign language score statistically higher on standardized tests conducted in English.
    • Students who average 4 or more years of foreign language study scored higher on the verbal section of the SAT than those who had studied 4 or more years on any other subject area. (1992 report consistent with College Board profiles of previous years.)
    • Students of foreign languages have access to great number of career possibilities and develop a deeper understanding of their own language and other cultures.
    • Children who receive second language instruction are more creative and better at solving complex problems.

    Texans fluent in other languages enhance U.S. economic competitiveness abroad, improve global communication, and maintain national, political and security interest.