• Technical Information

  • Technical Requirements

    The following are the minimum technical requirements to enable you to successfully take a PISD eSchool course.


    Basic computer skills are necessary to progress normally through your online courses. It is not necessary to be an expert, but a student must know how to use the basic capabilities of a computer:

    • the keyboard and mouse and/or touchpad;
    • access the Internet through various browsers;
    • navigate websites; and
    • open, close, and save files on your computer’s hard drive and Google Drive.

    Note: Plano ISD students have a district-sponsored Google Drive. Non-Plano ISD students may need to create one.


    • Students must have a working Internet connection.

    Supported Browsers

    Plano ISD eSchool’s online courses are hosted on Blackboard and Edgenuity. It is recommended that you have more than one browser available for your work on your eSchool course.


    • Students must have an active, functioning email account with an appropriate email address. Some courses require students to have a Gmail account in order to access Google Drive. 
    • PISD students in grades 6-12 have a district-provided email address @mypisd.net. Students can send and receive emails from within the district only. They will be able to access their PISD Google Drive.
    • PISD students who may leave the district before completing a course should use an alternate email address.


    • Depending on the course, you will need to have the ability to create audio and/or video files.


    • A printer is recommended, but not required. Printing course materials may enhance your eSchool experience, depending on your learning preferences.

  • Applications & Software

    Applications & Software

    In addition to Blackboard or Edgenuity, other applications may be needed for successful completion of your eSchool course. 

    Productivity and Collaboration Tools

    In order to work through an eSchool course most efficiently, students should have access to Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Slides, and Google Sheets.

    PISD students have access to these applications through their district network account. 

    Other useful applications

    • Acrobat Reader or other PDF viewer
    • Audacity or another audio editor
    • Video editor


    • Chrome
    • Firefox
    • Microsoft Edge
    • Safari