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Kindergarten Teachers

Sadie Boley
Sarah Manthey
Makenzie Mazza

  • SMORE Link

    See more information here - https://secure.smore.com/n/8n4j3-welcome-to-kindergarten

  • Daily Schedule

    Kindergarten Schedule


    7:40 - 8:10

    AM Meeting - CARE Time 

    8:10 - 8:30

    PAW Time/Journal Writing 

    8:30 - 9:00

    **Big Centers

    9:00 - 9:15

    Morning Recess


    Morning Snack

    9:40 - 11:00

    Language Arts - Whole Group/Stations

    11:00 - 11:30


    11:30 - 12:00


    12:00 - 12:10

    Quiet Reading - Rest Time


    Math Whole Group

    1:00 - 1:50

    AMPED - Art, Music, PE Department

    1:50 - 2:15

    Math Stations/Small Group


    Inquiry and Innovation



    **Every Other Tuesday Counselor


    **Every Friday Library


    ** Subject to change 


  • Dismissal and Attendance

    If you know BEFORE school that there will be a change of dismissal, please send a teacher note in the morning or email the office so we are aware.

    If you need to change plans AFTER your child is here, you have 2 choices:

    • Call the front office, and they will tell the teacher  –OR-
    • E-mail the teacher, and cc: audrey.maybery@pisd.edu. She is our attendance secretary. This is if the teacher misses it, Mrs. Maybery will make sure that we know and then a green “change in dismissal” card will be sent to notify the teacher.

    If your child is absent, please send a signed note with the reason for their absence or bring a doctor’s note (if you went to the doctor). 

  • Take Home Folders

    Each day your child will bring home a folder. Some days it will contain finished work. This is our way of transporting information from school to home and home to school, so please place any papers from home in this folder also. The students will bring their folder to an assigned place in the room and at the end of the day place it back in their backpack. At home, you may want to have an assigned place to keep this folder each night or, after looking at it, you may want your child to keep it in his/her backpack. This process will prepare them for their planner in the older grades. Please check the take-home folders daily.

  • Snack

    Each morning we have snack time around 9am.

    Your child's snack should be:

    • a simple snack that is packaged separately from their lunch. 
    • The snack should be one that they can open easily and manage independently. Please do not send snacks that require a spoon or a fork.
    • Your child may bring a bottle of water to class. Their name should be marked clearly on the water bottle to prevent your child's water from getting mixed up with that of another child.

    Ideas for healthy snacks can be located on the Texas Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition website.

  • Lunch

    Kindergarten lunchtime is from 11:30-12:00. Students may bring their own lunch that is labeled, buy a lunch from the cafeteria, or do a combination of both. Each student will have their very own lunch code located on their ID badge. This is a number that is scanned or entered if your child buys anything from the lunch line.

    If sending money to school for lunch, PTA purchases, book orders, etc., please place it in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and put it in your student’s take-home folder. Most of these purchases can be completed online.

  • Recess

    During the school day, the kindergarten students will have a 15 minute morning recess at 9:15, and then a 30 minute recess after lunch. Recess is usually outdoor play, if the weather permits.

  • Social Media OpportunitiesKindergarten has an Instagram page and we would like for you to follow us! We are only allowing parents or guardians to follow our page.

    If you have an Instagram page, please send your username to your child’s teacher to gain access to our private page.

    The kindergarten grade page is called "Hedgcoxe2037" and we can't wait for you to see the pictures that we post on our page!

    Instagram Username: Hedgcoxe2037