Grade Levels
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- Hedgcoxe Elementary
- Fourth Grade

4th Grade Teachers
Social Media OpportunitiesFourth Grade has an Instagram page and we would like for you to follow us! We are only allowing parents to follow our page.
If you have an Instagram page, please send your username to your child’s teacher to gain access to our private page.
The fourth grade page is called "Hedgcoxe2031" and we can't wait for you to see the pictures that we post on our page!
Instagram Username: Hedgcoxe2032
If you have an Instagram account and your username doesn't allow us to know that it is yours, please email your child's teacher so they can approve you to follow.
For Example: ShannonFlohr - we will approve JuneBugg008 - we will not approve unless you email us to let us know it's
4th Grade Subject Area
- Intro. to Multiple Genres
- Elements of Multiple Genres
- Developing Comprehension through Multiple Genres
- Deepending Understand of Miltiple Genres
- Making Real World Connections Throuhg Multiple Genres
- Genre Studies
- Place Value, Addition, and Subtraction
- Multiplication and Division
- Algebraic Reasoning
- Fractions
- Data Analysis
- Measurement
- Lines, Angles, Shapes
- Personal Financial Literacy
Science and Engineering
Science Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), have been updated for the 24-25 school year. Units will be updated once we have them.
Social Studies
- The Great State of Texas
- Exploration and Early Colonization
- Revolution and the Republic of Texas
- Challenges for Texas
- Becoming 20th Century Texas
- 20th Century Texas
4th Grade Information
4th Grade Schedules
Library, PACE, and Guidance Calendars will be posted once those are finalized for the 24-25 school year.
4th Grade Lunch & Recess
4th grade's recess is from 11:15- 11:45
4th grade's lunchtime is from 11:45 -12:15
Students may bring their own lunch that is labeled, buy a lunch from the cafeteria, or do a combination of both. Each student will have their very own lunch code they will need to enter when purchasing lunch. Their lunch code is the same as their school ID number. You want to start having them practice memorizing this now.
Students may go through the line to purchase an extra snack or entree. Please not this does cost extra money on top of the regular lunch fee.
There will no longer be free breakfast and lunch served this year. If you are someone who may benefit from the free and reduced lunch program, please visit the link below to see if you qualify and to sign up.
Lunch Visitors
Thursday is the 4th grade designated day for lunch visitors. As of right now, you may sit at the visitor tables with your child. They are not allowed to have a friend join them and visitors are not allowed to sit at student tables. On special occasions, you may come on a different day, ie: your child's birthday.
4th Grade Parent Meeting Information
4th Grade will be hosting a Parent Information Night
Where: Hedgcoxe Music Room
We will share important information you will need to know regarding 4th grade and this school year. If you can not attend, we will share our presentation with you after the meeting via email. We will also link the presentation here as well.
School Supplies
4th Grade School Supply List
Crayons (24 colors) 2 packs
48 - Pencils (regular #2)
Scissors (sharp point)
6 wide-ruled spiral tablets, 70 sheets (blue, green, purple, 2 yellow, orange)
Notebook paper (wide rule) 200 ct.
Colored pencils (box of 12) 2 packs
Washable watercolor skinny markers 10 ct; 2 packs
5 - Glue sticks
1 - Pencil pouch (no boxes)
Plastic ruler, (inch and centimeter)
2 red plastic folders with brads and pockets
1 orange plastic folders with brads and pockets
Disinfecting wipes (1 container)
2 boxes facial tissues (200 count box)
4 Black Expo Markers (Chisel Tip)
2 Erasers
Black Fabric Textbook Cover
Hedgcoxe Procedures and Reminders
Arrival Procedures
Hedgcoxe opens the doors at 7:00.
Breakfast is offered from 7:00-7:25.
Students who will not be eating breakfast will sit in the gym until 7:25. We strongly encourage you if your student is not eating breakfast, to drop them off after 7:15.
Students will be able to head to their classrooms at 7:25.
We also strongly encourage that your child arrive before 7:35. The tardy bell rings at 7:40 and instructions immediately begin at 7:40. When students are walking in at 7:40-43, they feel very rushed and stressed getting unpacked to join instruction.
Dismissal Procedures
Dismissal 2:55
K-2 - Side Drive (off Georgetown)
- Please be sure you have a 23-24 carpool tag visible for teachers calling names on the walkie.
- If you do not have a current carpool tag, or a tag at all, you will be asked to go to the front office to show your identification and your child will be sent to the office for pick up. We realize that this may be frustrating, but this is for the safety of your child.
- Students will sit in the gym with a grade-level teacher and wait to be called.
- Once students are outside, they will wait at a cone for you to drive up to.
- Please be aware of staff and students while driving through the side drive.
- Cellphone use is not permitted in the carpool lane.
3-5 - Front Drive (off Prescott)
- Please be sure you have a 23-24 carpool tag visible for teachers calling names on the walkie.
- If you do not have a current carpool tag, or a tag at all, you will be asked to go to the front office to show your identification and your child will be sent to the office for pick up. We realize that this may be frustrating, but this is for the safety of your child.
- 3rd Grade will be waiting in the front hall to be called and 4-5 will be waiting in their grade levels.
- Once students are outside, they will wait at a cone for you to drive up to.
- Please be aware of staff and students while driving through the side drive.
- Cellphone use is not permitted in the carpool lane.
**If you have multiple children and they are spread throughout K-5, please pick them up on Side Drive.**
Daycare children will go outside and immediately get on their buses/vans/cars if they are there. If they aren't the students will sit and wait with a teacher until their daycare arrives.
If your child is going to be a walker, please be sure they know the routine. We have many students who are able to walk on their own, and others who wait on their parents. If your child needs to pick up a younger sibling, they will be directed where to go in order to get them.
If your child attends PASAR they will be picked up from the grade level by a PASAR staff member.
Please be sure your child and their teacher know how they will be getting home. If there is a change, please see the procedure in the Change of Dismissal information.
Any students who have not been picked up by 3:00pm will go to the front office.
- Please be sure you have a 23-24 carpool tag visible for teachers calling names on the walkie.
Attendance and Change in Dismissal Reminders
If your child is absent, please call the child safe line prior to 9:00 am. You may also email your child's teacher, but please be sure to copy Mrs. Maybery on the email. If you do not report your child absent, Mrs. Maybery will call to check in on them.
Arriving Late or Leaving Early Reminders
It is also helpful to email ahead of time if you know your child will be late or need to leave early for appointments. On these emails please copy Mrs. Maybery, so she is aware.
Change in Dismissal
If you know BEFORE school that there will be a change in dismissal for your child, please send the teacher a note or email with the change in the morning or email the office so we are aware.
If you need to change plans AFTER 7:40am, you have 2 choices:
- Call the front office, and they will tell the teacher –OR-
- E-mail the teacher, and cc: She is our attendance secretary. That way, in case the teacher misses it, Mrs. Maybery will make sure that we know and then a green “change in dismissal” card will be sent to notify the teacher. Please do not assume the teacher was able to see your email prior to dismissal.