• Welcome to the Renner Library!

  • Welcome to the Renner Middle School Library!  This website is meant to be 24/7 access to information about the library, its programs, and its resources. During the school day, the library is open for students to check out books for self-enjoyment reading, gain research skills, and have a quiet place for reading and studying. Mrs. Pedigo provides short library skills lessons during ELA class visits and offers research skills for all other content classes. 

Library Hours

  • Monday - Friday

    7:50 AM - 3:50 PM

    Before School Activities:  Monday - Thursday are reserved for students that need a place to read or study before school and for checking out books. On Friday, students may play board games, as well as, checking out books.

Library Google Classroom

  • The RMS Library has a Google Classroom for students.  This class is for students to get information about upcoming library events, resources, and announcements from the librarian. Students can see Mrs. Pedigo in the library to get the appropriate classroom code for their grade level. 

photo of librarian
Renner Librarian: Mrs. Pedigo
  • Helpful Links