Phone: 469-752-7074
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies Certified EC-4th, 4th-8th, and Special Education
7th grade Special Education teacher that supports 7th grade science and math.
Plano native
Teacher and mom always.
I love my students and Murphy Middle School.
Period 1: Ms. Lysell science support
Period 2: PLC time with Math
Period 3: Coach Strong math support
Period 4: Coach Strong math support
Period 5: Ms. Lysell science support
Period 6: 7th grade math, resource
Period 7: PLC with Science
Period 8: Monday: Fenter Social Skills, Tuesday: Fowler Math, Wednesday: Planning, Thursday: Fowler Math, and Friday: Nyamu Science
Wednesday from 7:50-8:20 a.m.
Tuesday and Thursday 3:50-4:20 P.M.
Please let me know via e-mail or your student that they are coming.