Phone: 469-752-7056, Social Studies E104 or 469-752-7061, Science E111


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Oklahoma State University. Google Certified Educator Level 1 Google Certified Educator Level 2

Mrs. Lesley Flabiano

Hello students and parents! I have been a Murphy Mav since 2017 and teach 6th grade Social Studies/World Cultures and 6th grade Science.  I attended Oklahoma State University and obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration.  My first job was with the FBI as a Financial Analyst.  My husband and I have 4 children - all of whom have been MMS Mavericks.   I enjoy time with my family and pets, watching movies, cooking, reading, and football!


  • Mrs. Flabiano's Schedule:

    1st period  / 6th Social Studies in E104

    2nd period / 6th Social Studies in E104

    3rd period / 6th Social Studies in E104

    4th period / Conference (office hours)

    5th period/ 6th Science in E111

    6th period / 6th Science in E111

    7th period / Science Department PLC

    8th period / 6th Science in E111

  • Mrs. Flabiano's Tutorials

    Monday AM @7:50 am in E104

    Tuesday PM 3:45pm - 4:15pm in E111