Phone: (469)752-7081


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education with minors in English and Social Studies.Certified in Elementary Education, Secondary English through grade 12, Composite Social Studies through grade 8, and English as a Second Language.

Mrs. Karyn R. Collins

After receiving my degree from Indiana State Univeristy in Terre Haute, Indiana, I began my teaching career in 1998 at Armstrong Middle School.  After 5 years at Armstrong Middle, I transferred to Murphy the year it opened.  While I have primarily taught 6th grade Langauge Arts during my career, I have also taught 6th grade World Cultures and 7th grade Texas History.

  • 1st Period-7th Grade Honor's English

    2nd Period-7th Grade Honor's English

    3rd Period-PLC

    4th Period-ELA 7 Grade Honors

    5th Period-ELA 7Grade Honors

    6th Period-Planning

    7th Period-7th Grade On-Level English

    8th Period-7th Grade On-Level English


    Currently my office/tutorial times are the following:

    Wednesday:  7:50-8:20

    Wednesday:  3:40-4:10