Phone: 469-752-7096


Degrees and Certifications:

Graduated from Wichita State University in Secondary Education

Ms. Kathleen Good

Ms. Good teaches Principles of Human Services and Spanish 1 this year at Murphy.

Ms. Good is the 7th grade team leader.


Ms. Good has taught English in Mongolia, with the Peace Corps, and Türkiye, and has spent time living with host families in Spain, Costa Rica, Argentina, and Uruguay.

She has taught Math and AVID previously at Murphy as well as Spanish at Murphy and Hendrick MS.

Teacher Schedule

  • Period 1: Principles of Human Services

    Period 2: Principles of Human Services

    Period 3: Principles of Human Services

    Period 4: Conference

    Period 5: Principles of Human Services

    Period 6: Spanish 1

    Period 7: Spanish 1

    Period 8: Spanish 1

Tutorial Schedule

  • I will be available for tutorials during these times:

    Tuesday 3:45-4:15

    Thursday 7:50-8:20 

    And others by appointment.

    Students must have a pass to attend morning tutorials.  It can be acquired from me, or a parent.  If a parent sends a note, please have the student email me so that I know to expect a student in tutorials.