About Shepard
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- Shepard Elementary
- Nurse
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelors of Science in Nursing American Heart Association Basic Life Support Instructor Trauma Nurse Core Curriculum Certified
Mrs. School Nurse
Office Hours
Clinic Hours
7:15 am - 3:30 pm
Closed for lunch
1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Students that have a medical need during the nurse's lunch will go to the front office. The nurse is always on standby for medical emergencies.
Medications and Action Plans
There are times when your student may need to have medications on campus. This could be because they have a severe allergy, asthma, or may even need the occasional motrin for little aches and pains. All medications must be brought to school by a parent or guardian that is 18 years of age or older. Students may not self-carry any medications unless specified by a doctor.
Daily and Non-emergency As-Needed Medications
Students who require medication during school hours will need to take them in the clinic. A parent/guardian will need to bring no more than 25-30 days worth of medication to the school nurse. A medication authorization form will need to be filled out for each medication.
Students may also have as-needed medications in the clinic as well. Common medications parents bring for students are motrin, pepto-kids, bug spray, and anti itch creams. A medication authorization form will need to be filled out for each medication.
Medication Authorization Form English/ Medication Authorization Form Spanish - fill out, print and bring to school nurse. If you do not have a printer, you may fill out a form when dropping off the medication at school.
Emergency Medications
Students who have medications for medical emergencies, such as anaphylaxis, asthma or seizures may need to have medications available at school.
When turning in your child’s emergency medications to the clinic please have a Medication Authorization Form and Action Plan filled out and signed.
***All Action Plans must be signed by a parent or guardian AND your child’s treating physician.
Blank Allergy Action Plan (epinephrine)
Blank Adrenal Insufficiency Action Plan
A Note From Our Nurse
COVID-19 2023-24 PISD Guidelines
The Collin County Health Department is no longer tracking individual cases of COVID-19. School districts are no longer required to report individual cases to them.
School nurses will monitor for increasing reports/outbreaks of COVID on campus. School nurses will report this to District Health Services and Collin County Health Department.
Campuses will no longer send out notification letters for individual cases.
If a student or staff member tests positive for COVID, the recommended exclusion period remains 5 days, with the following re-admission criteria (following CDC criteria):
Fever-free for 24 hours, without using fever-reducing medication
Other symptoms have improved (some symptoms may not be completely resolved)
Individuals should continue to wear a mask around others for 5 additional days (days 6-10). Avoid being around others when not wearing a mask.
If your student tests positive for COVID-19, please fill out Shepard Elementary Communicable Illness Reporting 2023-2024
CDC Guidelines
Communicable Illnesses
If your student has been diagnosed with a Communicable Illness (COVID, flu, strep throat, etc.), please fill out the form below:
Shepard Elementary Communicable Illness Reporting 2023-2024
Exclusions from School
The guidelines below have been developed for the exclusion of students who have communicable or contagious diseases. These regulations are following the requirements of the local health authority, Plano ISD Administrative Guidelines, and the Board of Trustees’ appointed medical officer.
A student with any of the following symptoms will be excluded from school until such time as the student is free of symptoms, has been satisfactorily treated, or submits a signed physician’s statement that he/she is not contagious.
- Temperature of 100.0 degrees or more. Students must be fever free for 24 hours, without medication, before re-entry.
- Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Students must be symptom free for 24 hours without medication before re-entry.
- Pain and/or swelling at the angle of jaw.
- Undetermined rash over any part of the body.
- Undiagnosed scaly patches on the body or scalp.
- Red, draining eyes.
- Intense itching with signs and symptoms of secondary infection.
- Open, draining lesions.
- Jaundice
District Health FAQs
Flu Information
Immunization Requirements
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