- Plano Independent School District
- Schools & Other Facilities
Shepard Elementary School
Campus Information
Assistant Principal: Matthew Gonzales
Counselor: Erin Christenson
School Hours: 7:40 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Enrollment: 447
School Colors: Red, white and blue
Mascot: Patriots
Motto: Together we can.
Year Opened: 1971
Feeder Schools:
Christy James
Contact Campus
Phone: (469) 752-3100
Fax: (469) 752-3101
1000 Wilson Drive
Plano, TX 75075
National Blue Ribbon (1992, 2008); Redbook School of Excellence award (1992); TEA School Ratings: Exemplary (1994-00, 2005-07, 2009-10); Recognized (1993, 1996, 2001, 2003-05, 2008); repeated Gold Performance Acknowledgements for Commended Performance in reading, math, writing and science; TEA award for Inclusion (1992); three Plano ISD Perot winners; two Region X Teachers of the Year; Plano ISD Beginning Teacher of the Year; Superintendent Service award winner (2006-07); Odyssey of the Mind team - Third in World (1997); Shepard chess team placed 22nd in the Super Nationals (1997); 2015 North Texas Regional Science Fair - two finalists; McGruff Exemplary Safe School award; Mockingbird Poetry Contest winners - second and third place (2008-09) and first, third and Honorable Mention (2015); second place in Young Lone Stars Writing contest (2005); City of Plano Recycling award; three time winner of City of Plano Outstanding Beautification award; two Education Foundation Grants to Educators winners (2015); Niche.com - Ranked 25 out of all public elementary schools on the Best Public Schools in Texas list.
Campus Programs
Student Support Team (SST); Accelerated Reader; English as Second Language (ESL); Plano Academic Creative Education (PACE) for identified gifted and talented students; special education; speech therapy; Plano Accelerated Reading (PAR); Accelerated Instruction in Math (AIM); Pacesetters - leadership for students; mentor program; Literacy Links; PASAR after-school childcare; forth- and fifth-grade choir; Principal’s Cabinet; Pee Wee Patriots; PTA sponsored after-school programs include Earthsavers and chess club.
Parent Involvement Opportunities
Parent Teacher Association (PTA); School-Based Improvement Committee (SBIC); Dad's club; practical parenting; library volunteers; Literacy Links; Earthsavers; after-school extension programs and volunteers for each grade level.
Community/Business Partnerships
Central Market; Chick-fil-A; CiCi's Pizza; and Environmental Test Solutions, North America.
History of Shepard
Shepard Elementary honors Joseph William Shepard, born on November 19, 1856, in Louisville, KY. The Shepard family moved from Plano while J.W. was still a child. He married Mary Catherine Haggard, daughter of C.S. and Nannie Kate Haggard, on December 23, 1881.
J.W. Shepard owned a 2,200 acre cattle ranch and farm site in Plano, which is now a modern housing development. Internationally known for his fine livestock, including mules, he also owned 11 cotton gins, a cottonseed oil mill, and a flour mill. He served on the first PISD board from 1899 until 1911 and on the Plano City Council. Mr. Shepard died in 1946 after leading a very full and active life on 90 years.
Shepard Elementary opened in 1971 in Wilson Middle School, then moved to its new facility the next year at a cost of $1 million.