• Fourth Grade

  • 2024-2025 Back-to-School Parent Information - With Supply Lists!

    Hey Parents! We know you’ve got a lot on your plate right now. Make things a little easier to get prepared for next year. 

     Below is the easy-to-read, printable school supply shopping lists for the 2024-2025 school year.


    Fourth Grade Supply List 2024 - 2025

    Please see the link below for wonderful back-to-school information for fourth grade for the 2023-2024 school year.

    We encourage you also to review our grade level and special schedules on the specials page.

    2024 - 2025 Fourth Grade Parent Information Presentation

  • Schedule Overview (2024-2025)

    Fourth Grade Schedule Overview

    7:00 am - 7:30 am Early Morning Drop-Off. During this time, students will be either in the gym or in the cafeteria for breakfast until the 7:30 am bell rings.

    7:30 am - 7:40 am  Student Arrival

    7:40 am - 7:45 am  Announcements

    7:45 am - 8:00 am  Daily Meeting

    8:00 am - 8:45 am  Science

    8:50 am - 9:40 am  Specials 

    9:45 am - 11:15 am  Math

    11:15 am - 11:45 am  Social Studies

    11:45 am - 12:15 pm  Recess

    12:15 pm - 12:45 pm  Lunch

    12:45 pm - 1:00 pm  Social Studies

    1:00 pm - 2:45 pm  Reading/ELA 

    2:45 pm - 2:55 pm  Pack Up/Dismissal 


    Each class gets 45 minutes at a time on Thursdays.

    Please contact your grade level teacher for your student's specific time slot.


    PACE students receive 1 hour at a time on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

    Please contact your grade level teacher for your student's specific time slot.


    Each class gets 30 minutes at a time on Wednesdays, Thursdays, or Fridays.

    Please contact your grade level teacher for your student's specific time slot.

  • Fourth Grade Reminders

    Wearing tennis shoes is encouraged during Specials and on the playground. 

    Please always label all clothing items, including jackets.

    Please remember to use/send appropriate hygiene products as needed for your student.

  • Dismissal and Attendance

    To report an absence, please call the Child Safe Line at

    469-752-3600 (option 3) or email ShepardAttendance@pisd.edu 

    If you know BEFORE school that there will be a change of dismissal, please send a teacher note in the morning or email the office so we are aware.

    If you need to change plans AFTER your child is here, you have 2 choices:

    • Call the front office, and they will tell the teacher  –OR-
    • E-mail the teacher, and cc: ShepardAttendance@pisd.edu  and Donna.Wonders@pisd.edu (the secretary). That way, in case the teacher misses it, I will make sure that we know and then a “change in dismissal” card will be sent to notify the teacher.

    If your child is absent, please send a signed note with the reason for their absence or bring a doctor’s note (if you went to the doctor). 

    We recommend calling the school 5 - 10 minutes prior to arrival for pick up, so students have time to gather their items and come to the office. This is especially helpful for when students are at recess, lunch, specials, or in academic services.

    **Must bring a form of identification for pick-up**

    Attendance Reminders for Parents

    1. Instruction begins at 7:40 am.  The school doors open at 7:00 am. Please try to have your student in class, unpacked and ready to start by 7:40 am. Any student not in the building after the tardy bell rings will be issued a tardy.  
    2. Please call the child safe line before 8:30 if your child is going to be absent or later than 9:00. Dial 469-752-3100 and choose option #3.   Remember, calling the child safe line does not excuse the absence.  It is strictly to let the school know the child is safe and with you.

    1. A signed note or an email to ShepardAttendance@pisd.edu is required within 3 days of the absence in order for us to excuse the absence(s).  You must include the dates your child was absent and the reason for absence.  

    1. Notes to excuse an absence will not be accepted after 3 days.

    1. In regard to students leaving early:  Students will be called to come down to the office when the parent arrives in the office.  This will allow the child to benefit from the maximum instructional time possible.

  • Snack

    Your child's snack should be:

    • a simple snack that is packaged separately from their lunch. 
    • The snack should be one that they can open easily and manage independently. Please no snacks that require a spoon or a fork.
    • Your child may bring a bottle of water to class. Their name should be marked clearly on the water bottle to prevent your child's water from getting mixed up with that of another child.

    Ideas for healthy snacks can be located on the Texas Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition website

  • Lunch

    Students may bring their own labeled lunch, buy lunch from the cafeteria, or do a combination of both. Each student will have their very own lunch code located on their ID badge. This is a number that is scanned or entered if your child buys anything from the lunch line.

    If sending money to school for lunch, PTA purchases, book orders, etc., please place it in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and put it in your student’s take-home folder. Most of these purchases can be made online.

    Parent Lunch Visitors for 2024 - 2025!

    Parents may visit their child for lunch via the signup sheet below, which is for the whole year.

    Many parents like to come to school and have lunch with their child. Luckily, our school has a "Patriot Patio" in the hall outside our cafeteria where students and family members can enjoy lunch together. We have 4 tables per grade level available. We require parents to sign up prior to visiting their child for lunch so that we do not run out of space. All visitors to Shepard must bring a driver's license on their first visit of the school year and be issued a visitor badge. On subsequent visits, we can print badges with the same level of security without the need to scan your driver's license again, but please have it on hand in case there are any questions.


    Lunch Visitor Sign Up


    Please feel free to let Mrs. Bishop know if you have any questions.

  • Recess

    During the school day, students have a 30-minute long recess. Recess is usually an outdoor play time if the weather permits. On bad weather days, we will do an activity in our classrooms during this time. On occasion, the students will be permitted an additional recess time. Teachers do not apply sunscreen to children. We recommend applying sunscreen to your child before you send them to school. We go outside every day unless the temperature is below 32 degrees or it is raining.

  • Birthdays

    If your child is celebrating their birthday, their teacher will take the time to recognize their special day and they will also be mentioned on our morning announcements, "The Patriot News." If you wish to bring a treat for the whole class, they will be shared at the end of the day. Some examples of birthday treats are store-bought cookies or donuts. Please, no peanut butter treats. Please arrange this celebration with your child's teachers. Family members are currently not allowed to attend. This will just be for your child and their class. 

    Birthday invitations have to be handed out by students at non-academic times.

  • Field Trips

    Field Trips will be organized based on the school and district schedules in conjunction with the academic goals of the grade level. 

    We will send home flyers about specific field trip information closer to the field trip dates as well as post information about them here in the Important Announcements Section.

  • Volunteer Information

    In order to volunteer at the school, any person must complete a background check form. Please do this now if you think you may ever want to chaperone or help with anything at school. The more the merrier!

          Types of volunteers include:

    • Room Parents
    • Workroom helpers
    • Field Trip Chaperones
    • Watch Dog Dads
    • Fine Arts Day presenters or helpers

    All volunteers must sign in at the front office.

    Please ask for more information if you are interested. You are welcome!

    Plano I.S.D. Volunteer Application and Information

  • School Registration Information & Supply List


    We have provided here for you the link for information about new student enrollment. Should you have any further questions, feel free to call Shepard Elementary on our mainline and speak with our front office. The direct phone number is (469) 752 - 3100

    New Student Enrollment

  • Fourth Grade team logo


    2024-2025 School Year Calendar:

    August 13: First Day of School

    September 2: Labor Day Holiday

    October 14-16: Student/Staff Holiday

    October 17-18: Student Holiday/Staff Workday

    November 5: Student Holiday/Staff Workday

    November 25-29: Thanksgiving Break

    December 21: Last Day of First Semester (Early Release)

    December 25–January 3: Winter Break

    January 6: Student Holiday/Staff Workday

    January 7: Start of Second Semester

    January 23: MLK Holiday

    February 17: Student/Staff Holiday

    February 18: Student Holiday/Staff Workday

    March 17–21: Spring Break

    March 24: Student Holiday

    April 18: Student/Staff Holiday

    May 23: Last Day of School (Early Release)

Courtney Murry
4th Grade

Tracy Howe
4th Grade

Hector Villanueva
4th Grade

Jodi Crawford
4th Grade