

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Meerna Ayoubi

Welcome to my page!

My name is Meerna Ayoubi. I have extensive math teaching experience that will help prepare my students for AP math classes, SAT and college.

At Jasper, I will be teaching Honors PreCalculus.

I believe that every student can be successful in math if he/she put forth the effort and are willing to try. In my class, I will give my students plenty of opportunities to be successful.

I will be available for tutoring twice a week, post tutorial videos, detailed class notes, extra practice and answer keys on my google classroom.

  • My Schedule

    1st Period: Honors PreCalculus

    2nd Period: Connect

    3rd Period: Honors Precalculus

    4th Period: Honors PreCalculus

    5th Period: Honors Precalculus

    6th Period: Honors PreCalculus

    7th Period: Conference

    8th Period: Honors Algebra 2

  • Tutorials

    • Algebra 2: Wednesday Morning at 8:15 am; Other Algebra 2 teachers are available at different days/times. Check the tutorial schedule posted on Google Clasrroom for a more detailed list.
    • Honors Precalculus: Tuesday Morning at 8:15 am and Thursday After School at 4:30 pm

    Connect Tutorials are By Invitation Only