• Counselors

  •  Course Level Change Request-1st 9 Weeks

    Students are able to request to move to a lower level course at the end of the first grading period if they meet certain criteria. Here are the Plano ISD Advanced Academics Course Withdrawal Guidelines and Timeline. Use this form to request a change.

     Course request changes are based on seat availability, i.e. there is space in the course, and it fits within a student's schedule.


    Jasper Counselor's October S'more. 
  • Jasper Counseling Vision

    Empowering and cultivating trust with our students to become resilient, resourceful individuals and prepared to succeed in a diverse and challenging world.

    Jasper Counseling Mission

    Advocate, support and inspire all students to grow in the areas of social-emotional development, academic success and college, career and military readiness. 

  • Click on the image above to enter the Virtual Counseling Office!  There are four rooms full of items to explore.  Just roll over images and click to interact.

Sarena Edwards

Jami Emanuel

Robin Gott

Sheri Ray

Brenda Jordan

  • Jasper Counseling Updates

    Posted by Robin Gott on 9/15/2023

    Comments (-1)


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