

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. David Bradford

I am a Plano native (basically--I arrived here at age two!). After making my way through Plano's schools (including Vines and PSHS) and being graduated from Baylor University, I taught social studies courses and supervised a caseload of students at Williams High School.  

Here at Jasper, I supervise a caseload of students, teach English I (resource), English II (resource), and Academic Literacy (resource), and provide inclusion support for the general education English I classrooms. The primary purpose of these courses is to cultivate Jasper Wolves into better readers and writers.

(469) 752-7546




  •               Class Schedule

    (all periods in room 1044 unless noted)


    1st Period: English II (Resource)


    2nd Period: Teacher Conference


    3rd Period: English I (Resource)


    4th Period: Inclusion Support (Simmons) - Room 2017



    5th Period: Inclusion Support (Supple) - Room 2016



    6th Period: Academic Literacy 1 & 2 (Resource)



    7th Period: Inclusion Support (McBride) - Room 2015




  •                 Tutorials



    Thursdays 4:30-5:00

    Fridays 8:20-8:50