

Degrees and Certifications:

Heidi Diers, NBCT

Welcome! I'm excited to work with the students of Jasper this year in my capacity as English II Honors, On Level & Academic Literacy II teacher. Throughout this year, we will work on analytical and persuasive writing, as well as understanding and analyzing a variety of literary texts.


Please contact me if you have further questions or concerns! 



  • Tutorials are available in the morning from 8:15-8:55 Tuesday through Thursday. Students may request a CONNECT pass by filling out the CONNECT Pass Request form at the top of the classwork tab in Google Classroom. I will also initiate requests to meet with students during CONNECT (2nd) as well. If these times do not work with your schedule, please check the following tutorials table to find an English II Honors teacher who will be glad to meet with you!