Phone: 469-752-9581


Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Mark Chilivetis

I am from Houston, Texas and a graduate of Lamar Senior High School. I earned a degree in Government from The University of Texas at Austin, where I was also part of the UTeach Liberal Arts program. I earned a Masters in Sports Administration from Texas A&M in 2020. This is my 16th year in the central cluster of Plano ISD and 12th on campus at Plano Senior High School.  I am a varsity football coach and JV baseball coach. I have taught World History, AP European History, Government, Economics, online classes, and AVID during my career.  

Teacher Schedule

  • Period 1: Athletics

    Period 2: AVID 3 B147B    

    Period 3: AVID 3 B147B      

    Period 4: AVID 3 B147B     

    Period 5: AVID 3 B147B   

    Period 6: Planning

    Period 7: Athletics

    Each class has a unique Google Classroom code. Parents, if you have a student in my class and would like to be invited to join as a parent, please email me. If you are a student, you have already been added to my Google Classroom.

Tutorial Schedule

  • Tutorials: 

    • Tuesday/Thursday