Phone: 469-752-9300 x39423


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Arts in Communications, University of California San Diego Certifications: Social Studies 9-12

Ms. Jennifer Verdugo

I am a native Californian who moved to Texas with my husband and two children in 2009. After earning my Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications at University of California-San Diego, I worked in the marketing field for 20 years. In 2014, I finally decided to pursue my longtime interest in teaching.

I love working with seniors and helping them prepare for their lives after high school, and I feel lucky to have landed here at Plano!

Teacher Schedule

  • Period 1: Personal Financial Literacy
    Period 2: Personal Financial Literacy
    Period 3: Economics
    Period 4: Economics
    Period 5: AP Macro
    Period 6: AP Macro
    Period 7: Conference

Tutorial Schedule

  • Tuesdays: Zero Hour, Lunch, 7th Period (Room A204b) or other times by appointment  
    Makeups are Thurs: Zero Hour, Lunch, 7th Period (Room A204a)