- Plano Senior
- About Me

Phone: (469) 752-9300
Degrees and Certifications:
Master of Fine Art, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas 2002 Master of Art, Nottingham Trent University, U.K.1998 Bachelor of Art, National Institute of Fashion Technology, New Delhi, India 1885
Ms. Deepa Ganguly
Hello! This is my 2nd year with Plano Senior High School, and I am a proud part of the PISD family and tradition. I look forward to helping our students achieve their individual goals. My education and work experiences have taken me across continents and cultures. I hope to bring a unique edge to students who are curious about higher education and what opportunities are ahead of us in and outside of the United States of America,
Prior to PISD, I taught at Garland ISD as a CTE teacher for 2 years. I was a college professor for over 15 years prior to my public school experience.
This year I will be teaching Intro to Culinary, Global Business and Child Development. I am also the Sponsor for Business Professionals of America.
I have two daughters. The older one is at UT Austin 4th year Engineering student who graduated from PESH in 2021. My younger daughter is a high school graduate from TAMS class of 2024, UNT. She is going to be a proud Texas Tech student starting this Fall. I am very close to my mom, and she lives half the year with my siblings and I in the United States and the other half in India. Other members of our family are Honey the Golden Retriever and Bunny the cat.
My hobbies are music, painting, reading & eating out.
- Conference period - 5th period in Fall 2024; 7th period in Spring 2025. Please make an appointment to meet during the conference period.
- Tutorials / office hours - TBD/by appointment.
- https://classroom.google.com/c/NzAyODE1ODIxNTYy?cjc=go5n6dz
- https://classroom.google.com/c/NzAyODE0NzYwMDA5?cjc=kndz2ts
- https://classroom.google.com/c/NzAyODE1NzgwODAw?cjc=wli7la2
- https://classroom.google.com/c/NzAyODE0NzYwMDA5?cjc=kndz2ts
- https://classroom.google.com/c/NzAyODA5MDUzNTA4?cjc=v45kppc
- https://classroom.google.com/c/NzAyODA5MjYxMzEz?cjc=xkicefn
If you have a student in my class and you would like to be invited to join as a parent, please email me. If you are a student, you have already been added to my Google classroom.