Phone: 469-752-9470


Degrees and Certifications:

Degree: B.S. Elementary Education Certifications: Elementary Grades 1-8 Mathematics Grades 1-8 Teacher EC-4th Special Education Supplemental Grades EC-8 ESL Supplemental Grades EC-8

Mrs. Natalie Driskill

This is my 20th year of teaching, my 1st year at Plano Senior High, and my 7th year in Plano ISD. I have taught Pre-K, Kindergarten, K-5 Special Ed, and high school.  My husband and I have 2 grown sons.  I grew up in Plano and graduated from PSHS.  I graduated from Texas Tech University with my Education degree.  I am so excited to be back at my Alma Mater and a proud member of Wildcat Nation!

Teacher Schedule

  • 1st & 2nd: Instructional Practices - Intro to Teaching Year 1

    2nd & 3rd: Practicum in Education & Training Year 2

    4th & 5th: Instructional Practices - Intro to Teaching Year 1

    6th: Child Development

    7th: Conference

Tutorial Schedule

  • Tutorials: By appointment only - please contact me via email -