• Health & PE

  • Physical Education should be a integral part of every student's program at Plano West Senior High. Fundamental to every student's development is the ability to become physically fit, develop motor skills, gain knowledge & understanding, develop appropriate social awareness and behavior, and achieve life time physical well being.

  • Meet the Staff

  • Health

    Plano ISD Health course focuses on all the essential elements needed for leading a healthy live style in today's world. With lifestyle diseases, communicable diseases and chronic pain as major topics of concern in America, the PISD Health Curriculum is aligned to service the needs of our students as they go through the growth process. In addition, teenage drug, alcohol, smoking along with steroid use in on the rise. The district Health Curriculum educates our youth on the consequences and dangers involve in use of these elements. Finally, the Health program concludes by implementing a structured unit with key component of finance, healthy relationships and a dynamic sex education unit which is scripted.

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  • Weightlifting

    The Weightlifting course at Plano West Senior High helps students focus on the proper strength and conditioning techniques that will improve, and maintain an optimal level of physical fitness. Key components of daily class activity consist of the Five Domains of Physical Fitness:

    1. Flexibility 
    2. Body Composition
    3. Muscle Strength 
    4. Muscle Endurance
    5. Cardiovascular Endurance 

    Students learn to develop a exercise program to achieve personal fitness goals, while improving health, as well as self-esteem for a lifetime.

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  • Individual Activities

    Individual Activities allow the students to have a positive experience in physical education by promoting specific skill related components so that students can properly perform and participate in a variety of fun individual sport activities such as badminton, table tennis, bowling, ultimate frisbee, tennis and much more. By participating in Individual Sports, students will also have a better knowledge of the components of fitness and will be more successful in individual and lifetime fitness which they can take with them throughout their lives.

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Thomas Hightower
Physical Education

  • Partners Physical Education

    This course mainstreams our special needs students with our regular educational students in a physical educational setting. The students get the opportunity to learn more about each other through a social setting while promoting a healthy lifestyle and lifetime fitness for those students involved through physical activity.

Thomas Hightower
Physical Education

  • PE Foundations

    This course is designed to teach and promote personal fitness through movement, social development, physical activity, and health. This course includes ½ classroom work with textbooks and ½ performance of physical activities. The objective of this class is to motivate students to strive for lifetime personal fitness with an emphasis on the health-related components of physical fitness.

Chloe Hills
Physical Education