• Advanced Quantitative Reasoning

    Advanced Quantitative Reasoning (AQR) is a capstone mathematics course that follows Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II. It builds on and extends what students have learned and covers other mathematics topics not typically taught in high school. The course reinforces needed skills as students study new topics in relevant, engaging contexts. The course also helps students develop college and career skills such as collaborating, conducting research, and making presentations. This course may not be offered on all campuses.

    Prerequisite: Algebra II and Geometry

    What's next? Pre-Calculus

  • Algebra II

    In this course students will build on their knowledge from Algebra 1 to broaden their understanding of quadratic and exponential functions, as well as extend their study of systems of equations and inequalities. Additional functional relationships explored in this course include logarithmic, square root, cubic, absolute value, and rational functions. Students will study transformations and inverses of these functions, as well as using the functions in data analysis.

    Prerequisite: Algebra I and Geometry or concurrently enrolled in Geometry

    What's next? Pre-Calculus

  • Algebra II - Honors/PreAP

    This course includes a more challenging and rigorous study of algebraic thinking and symbolic reasoning, as well as extensions of the topics listed in the above description. Students use multiple representations and precise mathematical language to describe patterns, solve problems, and justify their reasoning.

    Prerequisite: Algebra I, Algebra I H/PreAP, Geometry, or Geometry H/PreAP

    What's next? Pre-Calculus or Pre-Calculus H/PreAP

  • AP Calculus AB/BC

    AP Calculus AB: This course is the study of elementary functions; limit of a function; derivative; integral and techniques of integration; and applications of calculus to real-world problems in the fields of life science, business and economics, social science, physics, and engineering. Students who have already received credit for AP Calculus AB who enroll in AP Calculus BC will only receive local credit for 1st semester of the course.

    AP Calculus BC: Calculus BC represents one semester beyond Calculus AB. It covers all the topics in Calculus AB, but is more extensive. Students cover the additional topics of vector functions, polar coordinates, and Epsilon-delta proofs.

    Each course prepares the student to take the corresponding Advanced Placement exam.

    Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus or Pre-Calculus-H

  • AP Computer Science A

    This course serves as an introduction to computers and the study of managing and processing information. The emphasis is on solving real world problems by means of computer programming (software engineering). Students will learn thoroughly the Java programming language and apply those skills in exploring how computers work. Some topics covered include object-oriented techniques, file management, data structures, classes, objects, graphics, debugging, hardware components, and social implications. The course includes an in depth treatment of the AP Simulation Case Study. Students will have the option of taking the AP exam for which many colleges will grant up to 3 hours of college credit. Successful completion of both semesters of this course will satisfy a mathematics credit.

    Prerequisite: Algebra II or concurrent enrollment in Algebra II

    What's next? Computer Science III Honors

  • Computer Science III

    This course has four main goals: develop advanced software engineering skills in the Java programming language; teach advanced data structures such as linked lists, trees, classes, and data files; expose students to the development and analysis of classic computer algorithms such as sorting, searching, recursion, and numerical analysis; recognize the ethical and social implication of computer use. Students will develop major software projects over topics such as databases, sorting, business applications, and graphics.

    Prerequisite: Computer Science II or AP Computer Science A

  • Geometry

    Within this course, students develop reasoning used to describe geometric contexts and the physical world. Explorations will include coordinate and transformational geometry, logical arguments and constructions, proof and congruence, figures and their properties, similarity, trigonometry, and probability. Students will use tools to acquire and demonstrate new understandings.

    Prerequisite: Algebra I

    What's next? Math Models or Algebra II

  • Mathematical Models

    This course is designed to build on knowledge from prior math courses and be a path to success in Algebra II. Students learn to apply mathematics to areas such as personal finance, engineering, fine arts, and social sciences. Real-life application problems are solved and modeled using a variety of algebraic tools and technology. This course may not be offered on all campuses.

    Prerequisite: Algebra I and Geometry

    What's next? Algebra II

  • Pre-Calculus

    This course is the preparation for calculus, whether it is taken in high school or at the college setting. Study topics include polynomial, rational, power (including radical), exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, and piecewise-defined functions; conic sections, their properties, and parametric representations; sequences and series; and vectors to model physical situations. Students deepen their mathematical understanding and fluency with algebra and trigonometry.

    Prerequisite: Algebra II and Geometry

    What's next? AP Calculus AB, AP Statistics

  • Pre-Calculus - Honors/PreAP

    This course includes a more challenging and rigorous study of the relationships described above. Students deepen their ability to make connections and apply procedures at higher levels. Additional topics in this course lead to AP Calculus.

    Prerequisite: Algebra II or Algebra II H/PreAP and Geometry or Geometry H/IH/PreAP

    What's next? AP Calculus BC, AP Statistics

  • Statistics

    In this course students will broaden their knowledge of variability and statistical processes. Students will study sampling and experimentation, categorical and quantitative data, probability and random variables, inference, and bivariate data. Students will connect data and statistical processes to real-world situations and will extend their knowledge of data analysis.

    Prerequisite: Algebra I required, Algebra II recommended

  • AP Statistics

    AP Statistics is built around four main topics: exploring data, planning a study, understanding probability theory, and acquiring critical inferential reasoning skills. Students will actively participate in both short and long-term "hands-on" projects. This course prepares the student to take the Advanced Placement exam.

    Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus or concurrently enrolled in Pre-Calculus