• At Plano Senior, we strive to have opportunities for all students to find a place at school they enjoy and have a sense of belonging.  One way we attempt to do this is through student groups.  We have a wide variety of curricular groups for students to choose from.  These clubs primarily have a link to some curricular class on our campus.  If a student has an interest outside of these clubs and in something not linked to a curricular class, that club would fall in the non-curricular category. 

     Here are the steps for a student to start a club:

    1. Determine your interest and club you would like to start.
    2. Locate a teacher on the Plano Senior Campus that will serve as your sponsor.
    3. The sponsor should touch base with Mr. Jacob to help determine if the club is a curricular club or non-curricular.
      • If the club is non-curricular, the student will then need to fill out the following forms :   Non Curricular Club Form      **Remember to choose Senior High for Club Level
      • If the club is curricular, the teacher will initiate the form and that form can be found on the For Staff page on the website. Only the teacher has access to this page and form.
    4. The Sponsor will receive an email, which you must follow the link and complete the form.
    5. After  the teacher and student complete the form, it will come to the front office for our approval and you are done with your part.  If there is something wrong Erin Street will send it back to you with instructions on how to correct it.

     **Remember to choose Senior High for the Club Level

     How to have multiple sponsors:

    A comments field has been added on the Curricular Club request form called Additional Information under the Sponsor’s email address.  Only 1 sponsor will sign the form but additional sponsors can be added in the comments section.

     If a student or sponsor needs any assistance, please reach out to Andrew Jacob, Associate Principal for Student Activities for assistance.