• Theatre

    Jasper Theatre is a fun, enriching program where you can be yourself and no one judges you. It challenges you to develop as an artist and as a person. Through the classes and after school productions, you will see your confidence level grow. We would love to WELCOME you into our Jasper Theatre family.

    The Jasper Theatre Students


    Theatre 1- Course Objective/DescriptionThis course deals with an introduction to Theatre Arts. 
    Students are strongly encouraged to audition or apply for crew positions for after school Jasper Major Productions and to join our club, Broadway Bound. 

    Course Overview

    • Audience Etiquette
    • Theatre Facilities, Stage Directions, and blocking
    • Theatre History
    • Dramatic Structure/Play Analysis
    • Plays of Study-
      • Medea, Boys Next Door, A Raisin In the Sun, Harvey, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, performance scripts
    • Pantomime/Body Language/Movement
    • Vocalization and Diction
    • Character Analysis
    • Acting- Monologues/Duet Scenes/Class Production
    • Basic Technical Theatre Concepts
    • Appreciation for Theatrical Events

    Technical Theatre 1Areas of Study- The course is and introduction to Technical Theatre. 
    While after school production work is not mandatory, it is strongly encouraged.
    Classwork will often directly support the after school productions.

    1. Introduction to Theatre - Facilities, Theatre History, Stage Directions, Collaboration, Production team,  Audience Etiquette, Play analysis/Critiques, Creative Problem Solving, Theatre Related Occupations.
    2. Theatre Safety-  Tool use/maintenance, Shop/Storage organization, Rules/Procedures.
    3. Design-  Concept development- Research, Design Elements/Principles, Paperwork 
      • Each student will maintain a FOLDER/ENVELOPE of ALL projects throughout the year.
    4. Set/Prop Construction, Scene Painting
    5. Lighting  and Sound Basics- basic concepts for operating lighting and sound
    6. Costumes/Makeup- Research, Historic Lines, Renderings, Paperwork, Basic construction/Techniques
    7. Publicity/Marketing- for our after school productions, including posters, t-shirts, programs, etc…

    Technical Theatre 2The course is a continuation of  Technical Theatre 1. 
    Areas of Study-

    Production Work: Students are required to work on the technical aspects for Jasper productions during class and either after school as a member of crew or during block lunch work calls and ushering.  Mrs. Harris will go over the requirements. 

    Lighting: Light lab, ETC Ion training, Design work

    Design Competition: UIL State Design Competiton.  All students are expected to submit a design for Macbeth.  The best ones will be submitted to State and District.

    Production Design Work: Students will help create designs for the Jasper productions- props, costumes, sound, publicity, makeup, and set

    Electronic Portfolio: Students will create/maintain an electronic portfolio for all their Tech work as well as other interests.  This may be a powerpoint or website. 

    Theatre 2- Course Objective/DescriptionWhile we will focus on various aspects of acting in this class, we will also study Theatre History, basic elements of Technical Theatre and Musical Theatre. 
    Students will leave this class having an appreciation for the many elements of Theatre as an Art. 

    Units of Study:

    • Acting & Production Techniques
    • Acting Philosophies
    • Audition Techniques
    • Character Analysis
    • Production Analysis- Class Production/Performance at JHS
    • Theatrical Literature
    • Basic Technical Theatre & Design
    • Theatre History
    • Musical Theatre

    PRODUCTIONS CLASS I - Students enrolled in the Theatre Production courses will deepen their theatrical study with enhanced experiences and will explore the relevance of theatre-related activities in everyday life. An emphasis will be placed on strengthening the individual's self-concept through the study of various acting techniques, technical theatre, play production, voice & diction, acting, performance, movement, history and literature. Students are required to participate in all productions on their campus either as a performer or technician. A research paper/portfolio will be required and students will be required to read plays and see local live theatrical productions.

    THIS IS AN AUDITION ONLY COURSE. Please see Mrs. Wilhelm/Counselors/Current Theatre Teachers for audition packet/information.