• Procedures For Leaving Campus During the School Day

  • Important Information for Parents and Students

    Students may not leave school during class time without written parental permission. When a student must leave for an appointment, he must sign out through the sub‐school in the café and produce a parent note requesting he be permitted to leave; the secretary will issue a “Permit to Leave Campus” at that time (official pass to leave campus). Students must keep the permit with them until they exit the campus. Upon return to PSHS, students are required to sign in through the sub‐school office, and they have up to three days to submit another note explaining the reason for the absence. (Verification of absence from a doctor, dentist or the court is acceptable; otherwise a note from the parent is required.) If school is dismissed before the end of the student’s school day, the student is not required to sign back in but a note or verification of the appointment is still required.

    If an appointment is made the same day as the appointment is scheduled, please call the student’s sub‐school as far in advance of the appointment as possible. We will need to locate your student so he can sign out before leaving campus. Parents who do not call ahead may experience a long wait while we notify the student.

    ***The only exception to these rules is if the student leaves at lunch and already has permission to leave campus at lunch. However, a note is ALWAYS required upon return.