•  ESL

    ESL Department Pic The Jasper ESL program offers classes for students who speak English as a second language.  We offer all levels of English, Grammar, and Reading classes.  In addition, we also offer sheltered content classes in Social Studies, Science, and Math.

    The ESL program is a language intensive program that offers each student the opportunity to learn English and experience cultures from all around the world.

    Classes Offered
    ESOL English I and II 
    This one-semester course is designed for all students to develop and apply hands-on keyboarding skills, which are important, both personally and in the workplace. This course prepares students to operate the keyboard by touch and to develop both speed and accuracy. Students will enhance reading, writing, computing, communication, and reasoning skills and apply them to the business environment. Students will be able to format tables, letters, and MLA reports and develop critical file management techniques. This course may be eligible for Tech Prep credit.

    ESL Academic Literacy I and IIIn this course, students gain knowledge in the impact of global business, marketing of goods and services, advertising, and product pricing and economies and private enterprise systems. Students analyze the sales process and financial management principles. This course allows students to reinforce, apply, and transfer academic knowledge and skills to a variety of interesting and relevant activities, problems and settings in business, marketing and finance. Students will develop communication skills by working together on team projects, participating in class discussions and making presentations to the class using appropriate media. Students will investigate the types of business that market goods and services, analyze cost and profit relationships, analyze the sales process, demonstrate how to advertise to targeted audiences, demonstrate how to increase sales using visual merchandising and special events, and demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental principles of money and personal financial management. Students will formulate a career plan.

    Practical Writing (ESL)This is a year course designed for Beginner to Intermediate English Language Learners.  This course will focus on speaking, listening, speaking, and writing.  The focus of this course will be to learn and apply grammar and punctuation rules in a variety of writing assignments. 

    Technical Writing (ESL)This is a year course designed for Advanced to Advanced High English Language Learners.  This course will focus on speaking, listening, speaking, and writing.  The main focus of this course is grammar intensive, and students will be expected apply correct grammar rules in a variety of writing assignments.

    ESL Academic Literacy I & IIThis is a year course designed to focus on literacy strategies and skills designed for ELL students in order to ensure success in high school and beyond.  Students will build success and become proficient in word analysis, vocabulary, reading fluency, written response, and critical thinking, thus preparing them for college readiness and/or post-secondary success.   Students will read a variety of genres, short stories, and novels and will be multicultural.  ELL students who do not meet STAAR passing standards will be required to take this course. 

    ESL Sheltered English IIn this course, students use second language learner strategies in learning to apply their understandings of reading and writing processes to a variety of genres including literary (poetry, drama, imaginative stories) and informational (expository and persuasive).   Students will study both classic and contemporary texts with an emphasis on theme development, epic characteristics, creative non-fiction, and the relationships between classic texts and contemporary ideas.  The use of writing and reading notebooks, the development of research questions and source gathering, and frequent opportunities for teamwork and collaboration are also key components of this course.

    ESL Sheltered English IIIn this course, students use second language  learner strategies in learning to apply their understandings of reading and writing processes to a variety of genres including literary (poetry, drama, imaginative stories) and informational (expository and persuasive).   Students will study both classic and contemporary texts with an emphasis on author’s purpose and motivations, archetypal patterns, and critical lenses for text studies.  The use of writing and reading notebooks, the synthesis and presentation of researched ideas, and frequent opportunities for teamwork and collaboration are also key components of this course.

    ESL English I & IIThis is a course designed to provide instruction in the English I or II TEKS for beginner and intermediate level limited English proficient (LEP) students enrolled in ESL. It also works to build English language proficiency. Students are placed in this course according to their current level of English proficiency. This course does meet the graduation requirement for English I, so students who take this course may not later take regular English I for credit. It should be noted that some colleges and universities might not honor this course when considering a student’s application for admission. This class is for students whose language proficiency is beginning or intermediate.