• Pillar 1: Learning and Teaching

    Objective: All students will have access to a culture of high expectations coupled with an engaging, innovative, personalized and supportive learning environment.

  • Strategy 1.1: Empower educators to design learning experiences that meet the individual needs of each student.

  • Action Plan 1.1.1

    Specific Result: Provide a comprehensive and systematic professional learning plan focused on building capacity, so teachers are able to provide engaging, innovative, and differentiated instruction.

    Action Steps

    1. Form a district-level committee, made up of district-level and campus-level leaders, to define a clear vision for a supportive learning environment and develop common language addressing engaging, innovative, and differentiated instructional practices that promotes a culture of high expectations.

    2. Evaluate what practices are in place across the district, previous learning opportunities and resources shared in order to analyze  our current state and to identify professional learning needs for our future state.

    3. Design a comprehensive and systematic professional learning plan that includes a variety of pathways for learning and building capacity based on strategic objective and identified teacher/staff professional learning needs.

    4. Provide training and ongoing coaching opportunities for district and campus leadership to ensure effective implementation of research-based practices for engaging, innovative,and differentiated instructional strategies.

    5. Develop and provide a variety of professional learning opportunities for campus leaders to build capacity with teachers on the campus. Campus leaders will leverage these opportunities to create a campus-based professional learning plan.

    6. Support teachers to continually enhance their engaging and differentiated instructional practices through individualized and job-embedded professional learning, observations and reflection.

    7. Monitor the effectiveness of engaging, innovative, and differentiated instructional practices through the use of a variety of identified methods such as walk-throughs, achievement data, etc.

  • Action Plan 1.1.2

    Specific Result: Provide research-based resources and tools, so teachers are able to successfully facilitate engaging and innovative differentiated instruction.

    Action Steps

    1. Review the vision regarding a supportive and differentiated learning environment in order to evaluate resources and tools.

    2. Evaluate what resources and tools are available in the district and how those tools are being used effectively in order to identify our current state and determine needs for future state.

    3. Evaluate current schedule models and related staffing models to ensure time is allocated to teachers in order to collaboratively grow and plan for differentiated instruction (engaging, supportive, and innovative instructional practices and programming).

    4. Evaluate current EC-12 master schedules to define and align practices with district vision for high expectations and a safe and collaborative culture, so student needs are met through differentiated instruction (i.e. design schedules to include language, content support and tiered interventions).

    5. Use research-based tools to identify and meet student academic needs for remediation, advancement, and enrichment (i.e. assessing reading levels and instructing to student needs).

    6. Create systems to support teachers in monitoring classroom instruction to ensure that students are benefiting from the differentiated strategies and instructional programming.

    7. Monitor the effectiveness of differentiated instructional practices with a predetermined rubric/form, using a variety of identified methods such as walkthroughs, achievement data, etc.


    Strategy 1.2: Equip educators to continually assess learning using a variety of methods to determine next steps in the learning progression.

  • Action Plan 1.2.1

    Specific Result: Design and provide a comprehensive and systematic professional learning plan focused on building a district-wide common understanding of assessment practices.

    Action Steps

    1. Establish a district-level committee which includes district leaders, campus administrators and teachers to research effective assessment practices and the tools and resources to facilitate measuring student learning.

    2. Evaluate current assessment practices across the district.

    3. Provide learning for district and campus leaders to establish common language and understanding of research-based assessment practices for implementation across all campuses.

    4. Identify district assessment tools and resources that align with the new common understanding.

    5. Provide learning for teachers to establish and implement a district-wide common language and understanding of research-based assessment practices.

    6. Establish a system to continuously evaluate assessment practices for equity and effectiveness.

  • Action Plan 1.2.2

    Specific Result: Design and provide professional learning that equips educators to analyze, reflect on and respond to evidence of student learning.

    Action Steps

    1. Design and provide professional learning that equips educators to be responsive to evidence of student learning.

    2. Identify or create specific tools, resources and protocols for data analysis.

    3. Develop equitable competency district-wide (district/campus administrators and teachers) in data analysis and utilizing results to drive instructional decisions.

    4. Develop equitable competency in teachers and campus/district leaders utilizing the results of the data analysis to drive instructional decisions.

    5. Campuses evaluate the effectiveness of assessment practices through the use of a variety of methods (i.e. walk-through data, collaborative team agendas and discussions, student work, etc.).

    6. Evaluate current schedule models and related staffing models to ensure time is allocated to teacher analysis of assessment data.

Video: Pillar 1 - Learning & Teaching

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